zagrozone gatunki - rozwiazanie problemu

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Witam wszystkich serdecznie;)
Bardzo prosiłbym o sprawdzenie poprawności tego tekstu ;)

I think everyone will agree with my opinion that the Earth is stunning due to the variety of species lived on. However, some of them are endangered and scientists’ predictions confirm that in the nearest future we will not be able to see them alive.

An effective solutions could be establishing a ban for making fur coats from skin of animals which is in fact such a cruel thing people should not do. This would bring under control a number of animals killing for financial purposes.

Another way to deal with this problem is opening reserves. In places like those animals could find shelter and food needed to live. It will be also a good way not only to monitor their breeding but also of course to help healing any hurt ones.

People should also focus their attention on ways to reduce impact on animals homes. In America or Asia hectares of rainforests are stubbed day by day. It causes an enormous damages in environment which animals can not survive.

To sum up, endangered species have a chance to live on. It depends on us how big those chance will be.
czy mógłby ktoś pomóc?
co znaczy 'lived on' to strona bierna!
solutions liczba mnoga, dlaczego 'an'?
to establish
the skin
przecinek przed which
the number
killing = zabijajace
to open, by opening
czemu 'will', skoro w poprzednim akapicie uzywasz 'would'. uzyj would
the impact ale czego wplyw on animal homes
damage i to jest niepoliczalne
srodowisko jest tylko jedno - przedimek
cannot tradycyjnie razem
those to liczba mnoga
Cytat: cactooos
Witam wszystkich serdecznie;)
Bardzo prosiłbym o sprawdzenie poprawności tego tekstu ;)

I think everyone will agree with my opinion that the Earth is stunning due to the variety of species live on. However, some of them are endangered and scientists’ predictions confirm that in the nearest future we will not be able to see them alive.

An effective solution could be to establish a ban for making fur coats from the skin of animals, which is in fact such a cruel thing people should not do. This would bring under control the number of animals killed for financial purposes.

Another way to deal with this problem is to opena openning jako otwieranie? reserves. In places like those animals could find shelter and food needed to live. It would be also a good way not only to monitor their breeding but also of course to help treating any hurt ones.

People should also focus their attention on ways to reduce impact on animals homes no tu chodzilo mi wlasnie o ten wplyw na ich domy w angielskim cos jeszcze trzeba dodac? nie mam pojecia co;/. In America or Asia hectares of rainforests are grubbed?? day by day. It causes enormous damage in the environment which animals cannot survive.

To sum up, endangered species have a chance to live on. It depends on us how big those chances will be.
możesz pomóc jeszcze w tych dwóch miejscach?
edytowany przez cactooos: 10 maj 2011
live on nadal jest niegramatyczne, pewnie chodzilo o 'living on it'
futra to chyba jednak robi sie z futra, a nie ze skory, hm?
to open - bo 'opening' po is wyglada jak present continuous
moze zreszta lepiej napisac to establish more reserves
wpływ - nadal nie wiem, czego to ma być wplyw
nie wiem, co ma znaczyc stubbed/grubbed
damage to sth - nie zauwazylem poprzednio.
from the fur of animals,
wpisalem to open bo mam to establish akapit wyzej
destructive impact mam nadzieje ze tak juz moze zostac ;)
a 'grab' wg mojego slownika to karczowac
dzieki :)
moze byc to found reserves, turn more land into reserves
z destructive brzmi lepiej
grab to trzeci czasownik, przedtem użyłeś dwóch innych :-) proponuję cleared
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