Proszę o sprawdzenie zdań

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
1) You have to take a risk if you want to make profit by investing on the stock exchange.

2)Because of the company’s economic problems almost half of the employee run the risk of being redundant.

3)Karol want to do something exciting that’s why he decided to bungee jump but he did that at his own risk

4) There was an article in newspaper about famous actor’s addectiveness to gambling
consequently his reputation is at risk.

5) Doctors warns that people who smoke a lot are at risk of developing lug cancer.

6) There was a sign informing of “no parking area” but I risk parking my car in that place.
a newspaper
a famous
gambling średnik lub kropka
consequently przecinek
a 'no parking' sign - druga część zdania w czasie przeszlym, prawda?


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