Present perfect or Past Siple spr. ćwiczenia

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Present past simple/present perfect
Have you ever heard (ever/hear) the group The Darkness?
No, I haven’t. What kind of music do they play?
Rock music I saw(see) them in concert last night.
Did be(be)it a good concert?
Yes, I really liked (like)it.

Have you ever lost your keys (ever/lose)
Yes I have
When did that happen? (happen)
In Portugal. I was there on holiday(be)
What did you do? (do)
I phoned (phone) the car hire company. But they made (make) me pay $100 for the new keys
z góry dziękuję za sprawdzenie i poprawienie błędów
nie ma did be
was it a good concert?

Poza tym ok


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