sprawdzenie zadania - poczatkujący

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bardzo proszę o pomoc w sprawdzeniu i poprawieniu błędów..........

My name is Edward, I am from Wrocław, Poland and I have 18 years old. I am of average height, I have long, brown hair and blue eyes. At home I live with my parents and older sister, my mum's name is Maria and she is 45 years old, she is low, has short black hair and blue eyes. My father Fabian he is 46 years old, is high, has short curty black hair and green eyes. My sister's name is Justyna, she has 21 years old, has a natural long blonde hair, and blue eyes, she is little higher than I.

My relationships with family are really good, but sometimes are a misunderstanding with my parents or sister, but it is very rarely. I live in a block, we have three-roomed flat containing a kitchen, a toilet and a bathroom, I have a room together with my sister, our room is large, the walls are painted yellow, on the right there are our beds and on the floor is white carpet. In my parent's bedroom there are two windows and balcony door’s.The walls are painted light blue.There are a large bed, a computer and is a huge TV and a DVD. In bathroom on the right side is the washing machine, a bath and shower on the left. In the kitchen is a large refrigerator and microwave on segments, there is also a large table with four chairs.
My name is Edward, I am from Wrocław, Poland 'and I have' (napisz mi ktory nauczyciel Cie tak nauczy;l....to przeciez jest blad) 18 years old.
At home I live with my parents and older sister, my mum's name is Maria and she is 45 years old, she is 'low' (zle slowo), has short black hair and blue eyes. My father Fabian he is 46 years old, is 'high' (zle slowo), has short 'curty' (ortog) black hair and green eyes. My sister's name is Justyna, 'she has 21 years old' (to jest bardzo ciekawe, bo raz piszesz prawidlowo a raz nie - co mnie teraz daje znac, ze czesci tego 'pozyczyles' z innego zrodla, a czesc ktora sam pisales to ma bledy), has a natural long blonde hair, and blue eyes, she is little 'higher' (zle slowo) than I AM.

My relationships with (brak cos) family are really good, but sometimes THERE are a 'misunderstanding' (jak piszesz 'are' to tutaj powinna byc l. mn) with my parents or sister, but it is very rarely. I live in a block, we have three-roomed flat containing a kitchen, a toilet and a bathroom, I have a room together with my sister, our room is large, the walls are painted yellow, on the right there are our beds and on the floor THERE is white carpet. In my parent's bedroom there are two windows and balcony 'door’s' (co to niby ma byc?) .
In the kitchen is a large refrigerator and microwave 'on segments' (tego nie rozumiem), there is also a large table with four chairs.
... we have ___ three-roomed flat containing a kitchen, a toilet and a bathroom, I have a room together with my sister, our room is large, the walls are painted yellow, on the right there are our beds and on the floor THERE is __ white carpet. In my parent's bedroom there are two windows and balcony 'door’s' (co to niby ma byc?) .
In the kitchen ___ is a large refrigerator and ___ microwave 'on segments' (tego nie rozumiem), there is also a large table with four chairs.

edytowany przez fui_eu: 26 maj 2011
z zadnych źródeł nie kozystalem, wiec niech kolezanka nie snuje podejrzen, ;) moj mauczyciel napisał na tablicy ' I have 18 years old - ja mam 18 lat' i kazał przepisać

poprawiłem, mogłabys mi jeszcze zobaczyc, i bardzo dziekuje za dotychczasowa pomoc !!

My name is Edward, I am from Wrocław, Poland and I'm 18 years old. I am of average height, I have long, brown hair, blue eyes and I am slim. At home I live with my parents and older sister. My mum's name is Maria and she is 45 years old, she is short and slim, has short black hair and blue eyes. My father Fabian and he is 46 years old, is tall and slim, has short curly black hair and green eyes. My sister's name is Justyna, she has 21 years old, has a natural long blonde hair, and blue eyes, she is little tall than I am, and very slim.

My relationships with my family are really good.but sometimes there are a misunderstandings with my parents or sister, but it is very rarely I live in a block. We have three-roomed flat containing a kitchen, a toilet and a bathroom. I have a room together with my sister, our room is large, the walls are painted yellow, on the right there are our beds and on the floor there is white carpet. In my parent's bedroom there are two windows and balcony. The walls are painted light blue.There are a large bed, a computer and is a huge TV and a DVD. In bathroom on the right side is the washing machine, a bath and shower on the left. In the kitchen is a large refrigerator and microwave, there is also a large table with four chairs.

jak jest prawidłowo:

np. has short black hair CZY has got short black hair
My father Fabian and he is 46 years old, HE IS is tall and slim, has short curly black hair and green eyes.
... she has /napisz petycje do szkoly zeby zmienili nauczyciela/ 21 years old, has a natural long blonde hair, and blue eyes, she is little tallER than I am, and very slim.
/moim zdaniem nie powinno byc AM w THAN I AM/
but it is very rarely
three-roomed flat /niema takiego slowa+ przedimek/
white carpet /przedimek/
balcony /przedimek/
... a computer, and is a huge TV and a DVD.
In bathroom on the right side ___ is the washing machine, a bath and ___ shower ARE on the left.
In the kitchen ___ is a large refrigerator and __ microwave, ... /nie jastem pewny z IS w tym zdaniu/
zly przedimek przed washing machine
Cytat: fabian001
z zadnych źródeł nie kozystalem, wiec niech kolezanka nie snuje podejrzen, ;) moj mauczyciel napisał na tablicy ' I have 18 years old - ja mam 18 lat' i kazał przepisać

Prosdze powiedziec nauczycielowi zeby wrocil do podstaw jezyka ang. i takich bledow nie pisal na tablicy.
Czy mam rozumiec przez to ze poziom terazniejszych anglistow w szkolach jest 'zalosny'?
In ___ bathroom on the right ...
tak ma być:

in bathroom on the right side _there __ is the washing machine, a bath and __a_ shower ARE on the left.
In the kitchen _there__ is a large refrigerator and _a_ microwave

In __a_ bathroom on the right

ma być... has got black hair/ czy he has black hair ( a czy przed tym nie trzeba dawać np she/he has??
In __a_ bathroom on the right /w tym wypadku opisujesz KONKRETNA lazienke/
Z wlosami zostaw tak jak masz juz w zadaniu.
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.