Moje "wypracowania" :)

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The holiday I spent in Italy. There is my father's office. I spent there 1,5 month. I could speak Italian and eat Italian food. I like polish cuisine but I think Italian food is better.
All my free time I spent on the beach. I played beach volleybal, sunbathed (but later I got sunburnt and I spent my time at home- obviously in Italy:)).
There I known a beautiful girl. She's name was Beatrice. She was pretty and very nice.
With her I could speak Italian and she helped me a litte with it.
The time in Italy was passing speedly and I hat to arrive to the house.
In Poland was beautiful in the second-half of September. I went to a swimming pool with my friends and we often did a bonfire.
My holiday was great and I want to repeat it.

Wiem że dużo błędów :)
Cytat: kubabos122
zaczynaj zdania od podmiotu, np. I spent the holiday in Italy.
There is my father's office<_to jest podmiot. I spent there 1,5 months. I could speak Italian and eat Italian food. I like litera->polish cuisine but I think Italian food is better.
All my free time I<-podmiot spent on the beach. I played beach volleyball and sunbathed (but later I got sunburnt and I spent my time at home- obviously in Italy:)).
There I<to jest podmiot known<-nie ten czasownik (to meet) i nie ten czas a beautiful girl. She's<-e tam, nie wiesz jak powiedziec 'jej'?) name was Beatrice. She was pretty and very nice. No wrzuc fotkę
With her I<-podmiot could speak Italian and she helped me a litte<-brakl itery with it.
The time in Italy passed quickly and I hat<kapelusz to arrive to the house<'przybyć do budynku'.
Poland was beautiful in the second-half of September. I went to the swimming pool with my friends and we often made a bonfire.
My holiday was great and I want to repeat it.

Wiem że dużo błędów :)