2 listy do sprawdzenia

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List z zazaleniem

When you were abroad you bought a stereo which does not work properly. Write a letter of complaint to the shop where you bought it. Describe when you bought it and what the problem is . Say what yoy expect them to do.

Dear Sir or Madam

I am writing to you to express my dissatisfaction with the stereo model TX-123 which I bought in your shop month ago. In, fact , I have already written to your shop about the problem but unfortunately nothing has changed.
First of all, I would like to draw your attention to the fact that when I opened the box I noticed that it had two deep cracks on the front.
To make matters worse after 3 weeks of using it suddenly stopped beeping.
The thing which I mainly cannot accept is that contrary to the description in the brochure it does not have so much energy like it was supposed to have.
Taking into consideration all the trouble I experienced I hope I can expect a refund.
I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours faithfully,

List prywatny

A soldier, you met abroad , is going to attend a training event In Poland. As you took part In a similar event In the past, He wants you to give him some information. Write a letter describing the training area, accommodation, and nearby town/city. Include any other information the might be useful.

Hi John,

Thanks a lot for your letter that I got week ago. I’m pleased to hear that everything is weel with you.
You have asked me some questions. First of all you should know that accommodation here is not very comfortable . You should take with you some warm clothes because there isn’t heating here.
Secondly, there are two obstacle courses, the modern shooting range and the polygon with an area of 20 square km. You will find there a lot of barbed wires, checkpoints , sangars of sandbags and a numerous of observation posts.
After daily routine you can go to nearby city – Inowrocław. It is an average city where you can do shopping or go sightseeing if you have enough time.
I hope that you know everything what you wanted but If you have more questions you will write to me. Say hello to your wife and write to me as soon as possible.
Best whishes
I am writing to you to express my dissatisfaction with the stereo model TX-123 which I bought in your shop (bak przedimka) month ago. In, fact , I have already written to your shop about the problem but unfortunately 'nothing has changed' ( nic sie nie moze zmienic - ale tutaj nie tak, trzeba...unfortunately, I have not had a response).
First of all, I would like to draw your attention to the fact that when I opened the box I noticed that 'it' (to znaczy box? nie jest jasno) had two deep cracks on the front.
To make matters worse after 3 weeks of using 'it' (napisz co to jest) suddenly stopped beeping.
The thing which I mainly cannot accept is that contrary to the description in the brochure it does not have 'so' AS much energy 'like' (prosze nie uzywac tego slowa, to jest kolokw- ) AS it was supposed to have.

Thanks a lot for your letter that I got (brak przedimka) week ago. I’m pleased to hear that everything is 'weel' (ortog) with you.
You should take with you some warm clothes because there isn’t (cos brak) heating here.
Secondly, there are two obstacle courses, 'the' A modern shooting range and the polygon with an area of 20 square km. You will find there a lot of barbed wires, checkpoints , sangars of sandbags and 'a' (niepotr) numerous 'of' (niepotr) observation posts.
After (bak cos) daily routine you can go to (brak cos) nearby city – Inowrocław. It is an average SIZED city where you can do shopping or go sightseeing if you have enough time.
I hope that you know everything 'what' (kalka z polskiego - nie pisz tak, tutaj THAT) you wanted but if you have more questions PLEASE 'you' (niepotr) will YOU write to me.
Best 'whishes' WISHES


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