Short mail

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proszę o sprawdzenie ;)

Dear Graham Matthews
Could you send me some information about Barker's program
I would like ask about are you going to handle only commercial matters in the future?, because I think that you may extend your offer for example criminal law or civil law, this areas of law is really interesting and I think that many people will be interesting this subject in your program.
I am going to work as sole practitioner in my own firm and I don't know does your course help me in my future career, maybe someone of your graduate, open own firm, before your course?
I would be grateful if you ask on my question.
I look foward to hearing from you.
Yours faithfully
z góry dziękuje ;)
Cytat: nestalia
Dear Graham Matthews PRZECINEK
Could you send me some information about Barker's program
I would like ask CZY=IF, A POTEM NIE MA INWERSJI are you going to handle only commercial matters <NIE ROZUMIEM 'ZAJMOWAC SIE TYLKO SPRAWAMI HANDLOWYMI'?in the future?, because I think that you may extend your offer for example TO criminal law or civil law, this areas TEN OBSZARY? of law is JEST really interesting and I think that many people will be interesting INTERESUJACY? IN WLACZENIU this subject in your program.
I am going to work as sole practitioner W JAKIM ZAWODZIE? LEKARZA? in my own firm and I don't<ZA POWAZNY LIST, BY UZYWAC FORM Z APOSTROFEM. know TAK JAK WYZEJ IF + BEZ INWERSJI does your course help me in my future career, maybe someone of your graduate CO TO ZNACZY, open =OTWORZ? THEIR own firm, before your course?
I would be grateful if you ask on my question. JEZELI ZAPYTASZ NA MOIM PYTANIU? TO BEDZIE TRUDNE...
I look foward to hearing from you.
z góry dziękuje ;)
z don't byc moze nie mialem racji - nie znam wymagan, jakie obowiazuja w szkole dla gatunku tekstu 'e-mail'. Moze Iwonabp sie wypowie?
nie wiem jakie było polecenie??
niby short mail, ale short to on nie jest :) nie wygląda mi to na krótką formę użytkową, raczej tę dłuższą
co do form skróconych, zgadzam się z mg.
co do wymagań , w dłuższej formie , w listach formalnych nie stosujemy skrótów (jak w życiu)

do nestalii - nie piszemy imienia w nagłówku, tylko nazwisk - zwrot kńczący w tym wypadku to 'yours sincerely'
Dziękuje bardzo, za wszystkie poprawki, czy teraz bedzie dobrze?
Dear Matthews,
Could you send me some information about Barker's program
I would like ask if you are going to handle only commercial matters (TAK CHODZI O SPRAWY HANDLOWE) in the future?, because I think that you may extend your offer for example to criminal law or civil law, that areas of law are really interesting and I think that many people will be interested in include that subjects in your program.
I am going to work as sole practitioner in my own law firm and I don't know if your course help me in my future career, maybe someone of your graduate, open their own firm, before your course?( CHODZIŁO MI O TO: CZY KTÓRYŚ Z WASZYCH ABSOLWENTÓW OTWORZYŁ SWOJĄ FIRMĘ PO WASZYM KURSIE)
I would be grateful if you ask on my questions.
I look foward to hearing from you.
Yours sincerely
Dear Matthews, tutaj potrzeba jego tytul tzn MR.
Could you send me some information about (brak przedimka) Barker's program
'I would like' COULD I ask if you are going to handle only commercial matters in the future?,' because I think' I FEEL that you may extend your offer 'for example' (tego nie potrzeba) to criminal law or civil law,' tha' (co ty tu piszesz, jakie 'that' tu ma byc THOSE) areas of law are really interesting and I think that many people will be interested in THESE BEIN G INCLUDED 'include' that' (co to jest? jak ty to myslisz po ang) subjects' in your program.
I am going to work as sole practitioner in my own law firm and I don't know if your course WILL help me in my future career, maybe' someone of your graduate' ONE OF YOUR ALUMNI HAVE OPENED, 'open' (po co to?) their own firm, 'before' (a dlaczego myslisz ze 'before' znaczy o?) your course
I would be grateful if you' ask on my questions' (zapytasz sie na moje pytania - po jakiemu to jest?).
terri,mg,iwonabp dziękuje bardzo za wszystkie poprawki, po waszym sprawdzeniu sama się dziwie jakie głupie błędy zrobiłam :))
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