kind of parents;z brytysz englisz na angielski

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Witam ^^ :)
Bardzo proszę o sprawdzenie poniższego tekstu i wytkniecie mi wszelkich błędów.

What kind of parent, you think, you will be in the future.

This is very difficult question, I think. Everybody watches theirs parents and see their advantages and disadvantages. I in future I want be like my parents. They set same rules, but respect my opinions, so they are authoritative. Maybe they don’t have so many time for me but they allow for an open dialogue. I think I will be in future like theirs because I consider like mother, like daughter. I want be attentive to my children, and be for them friend. I usually get on my way therefore I don’t spoil them so much, I think. I expect maturity for my children however I can help him In difficult situations, and give them a push in harsh situations. I’ve got a good listening skills, I exercised on my friends . I believes important thing is give young people autonomy.

What kind of parent, DO you think, you will be in the future.

This is (brak przedimka) very difficult question, I think. Everybody watches 'theirs' THEIR parents and seeS their advantages and disadvantages. I, in (brak przedimka) future 'I' (niepotr) want (brak cos) be like my parents. They (both) set same rules, but respect my opinions, so they are authoritative. Maybe they don’t have so 'many' MUCH time for me but they allow for an open dialogue. I think THAT I will be in (przedimek) future like 'theirs' THEY ARE because I consider like mother, like daughter. I want (cos brak) be attentive to my children, and be for them (cos brak, przedimek) friend. I usually get 'on' (niepotr) my way therefore I don’t spoil 'them' (tutaj mi wyglada, ze ty tak teraz zachowujesz sie do swoich rodzicow-popraw to zdanie) so much, I think. I expect maturity for my children however I can help 'him' (a dlaczego nie 'her' - tutaj trzeba 'them') in difficult situations, and give them a push in 'harsh' (zle slowo) situations. I’ve got 'a' (niepotr) good listening skills, I exercised THAT on my friends . 'I believes' (dlaczego dajesz 's' na koncu czasownika ktory odnosi sie do 'I'?) THAT (przedimek) important thing is (brak cos) give young people autonomy.

Dzięki wielkieee!!
Sama bym w życiu tyle błędów nie wyłapała.
Po poprawie to nawet inteligentnie brzmi ;)
I think THAT I will be in (przedimek) future like 'theirs' THEY ARE because I consider like mother, like daughter.
I don't understand this.
Cytat: fui_eu
I think THAT I will be in (przedimek) future like 'theirs' THEY ARE because I consider like mother, like daughter.
I don't understand this.

I think that in the future I will be like they are, because I consider the old adage - like mother, like daughter.
OK. Why not "like THEM" though?
edytowany przez fui_eu: 19 lis 2011
like them tez jest okay, ale przeciez to jezyk - ten, kto poprawia jakis text ma smialy wybor przy jego tlumaczeniu
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