Sprawdzenie krótkiej historyjki :)

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Naszym zadaniem jest opisać krótką historyjkę używając czasów: Past Simple, Continuous i Perfect. Wiem że skupiłem sie głównie na P.S ale to chyba nie szkodzi :P

It was about 12 years ago. I went with my mum to nearest pet shop. We were tried to find small cute and black hamster. Black because i loved that colour during this period. I found red hamster, grey and white, but still i couldn't see black hamster.
[tu probje eksperymentu z P.P] Before i went to shop, i had seen a small dog which lost way to home.
Me and my mum tried to find blach hamster but we didn't see him.
I was so embarassed that i didn't found my new friend.
When we were going to home, I was seeing poppy which i had seen before. [mysle ze tu jest wlasnie jeden z bledow]
My mum looked at me and say that we can hug him.
Finnaly i I was found my new friend.

Prawdopodobnie ilosc bledow jest tragiczna :<
Z góry dziekuje ze poprawienie błędów :)
'It was' (mozna napisac...This happened) about 12 years ago. I went with my mum to (przedimek) nearest pet shop. We 'were' (po co to?) tried to find (przedimek) small cute 'and' (niepotr) black hamster. Black because 'i' DUZA litera i to zawsze) loved that colour during this period. I found (przedimek) red hamster, (przedimek) grey and white ONE, but still 'i' (popraw) couldn't see (przedimek) black hamster.
Before 'i' (popraw) went to (przedimek) shop, 'i' (popraw) had seen a small dog which lost (tu cos brak) way 'to' (niepotr) home.
Me and my mum tried to find (przedimek) 'blach' (ortog) hamster but we 'didn't' (uzyj innego slowa) see him.
I was so embarassed that 'i' (popraw) didn't 'found' (zly czas) my new friend.
When we were going 'to' (niepotr) home, I 'was seeing' (zly czas) (przedimek) 'poppy' (zle slowo) which 'i' (popraw) had seen before.
My mum looked at me and 'say' (zly czas) that we can hug him.
'Finnaly' (ortog) 'i' (niepotr) I 'was' (niepotr) found my new friend.

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