Witam serdecznie!
Bardzo bym prosiła o sprawdzenie eseju dotyczącego sprawowania rządów przez Henryka VIII. Jeśli jest to możliwe proszę też o wzbogacenie mojej wypowiedzi poprzez dodanie bardziej zaawansowanych słówek. Ostatni paragraf jest banalny i do niczego, ale nie jestem już w stanie poskładać myśli i napisać coś bardziej kreaktywnego, z uwagi na bardzo późną godzinę.
Are you in favor or
against Henry VIII's reign?
Undoubtedly, Henry VIII was one of the most outstanding figures in the history of England. However, was he noted for his achievements? In my view, Henry VIII's rulership was utterly inept.
In the first place, above-mentioned monarch's actions were not stable.
He did not have a mind of his own. His wives influenced him, as far as religion is concerned. At one time, he could be a devout catholic (the period when Kathrine of Aragon and Henry VIII were spouses) and some other time he could forget about all the rules, obligations and his beliefs on behalf of an attractive woman.
Furthermore, Henry VIII was a tyrant, who did not take care of other people's lives. He didn't have any compunction, when his wives were sentenced to death. All those things were something usual for him.
A proper king should be a warm-hearted person whose needs are not only the prime ones.
Henry VIII was a devious character as well. Money played significant role in his life. He took money from the church and spent it on himself.
Taking everything into account, it seems to me that he did not deserve being the king of England and taking advantage of any privileges that such important figure in the country has. He was a selfish man who only cared about himself.
He did not have any important achievements for his homeland.
Henry VIII's reign was a flop.
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