Proszę o sprawdzenie.

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
proszę o sprawdzenie listu formalnego, ubiegam się o pracę jako kelnerka.
Dear sir/madam
I am writing to apply for the position of part-time job in Seahorse Restaurant which was advertised in the Daily Gazette on Friday 7th March.
I am twenty years old. present I am studying at University. Three years ago I graduate high school. I have a lot of qualifications to work in a restaurant. Last summer I worked in Sea Restaurant as a waiter.
I feel I would be well suited for this position because I like cooking and I love work of people.
experience a think a will be good waiter. I am consider myself to be honest, patient, hardworking.
Please find enclosed of my CV. I am available for an interview at your convenience. I will starting this job now. I am look forward to your reply.
Yours faitffully.
Dear 'sir/madam' (duzymy lioterami Sir/Madam)
I am writing to apply for the position of (brak cos) part-time job in (brak cos) Seahorse Restaurant which was advertised in the Daily Gazette on Friday 7th March.
(cos tu brak) present I am studying at (brak cos) University. Three years ago I 'graduate' (zly czas) (i nie najlepsze slowo, generalnie 'graduate' to z Uni) (brak cos) high school. I have 'a lot of' (napisz 'many') qualifications to work in a restaurant.
I feel I would be well suited for this position because I like cooking and I love 'work' (zla czesc mowy) 'of' (zle slowo) people.
'experience a think a will be good waiter' (tego nie rozumiem, to nie jest zdaniem). I 'am' (po co to 'am' tutaj?) consider myself to be honest, patient, hardworking.
Please find enclosed 'of' (niepotr) my CV.
I 'will' (zle slowo) 'starting' (zle slowo) this job now. I 'am' (po co to 'am' jeszcze?) look forward to your reply.
Yours 'faitffully' faithfully..


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