Krótka historia.

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
When they met for the first time, Paul knew immediately that they would be good friends. She was studying law at redommended university. She came from a wealthy family. Istead, he was only an ordinary car mechanic. Although they could talk for many hours. They had a lot of common topic of conversation.They started to spend very long hours together. What is more, he was fascinated by her beautiful smile and big, blue eyes. She is a tall blonde with long beautiful hair. She has a big popularity with men, but between them began to create something beautiful. Every moment they spent together was something unusual for them. They waited only to see again. She and he fell in love. It was very mature love. All admired them. One time she decided that he must meet her parents. She was expecting something totally different. Her father said that Paul was inappropriate for her and she deserved someone better. He put a condition either family or him. She chose him immediately. Despite the many problems they lived hapilly ever after
She was studying law at (brak cos) 'redommended' (zle slowo) university.
'Istead' (ortog ale i tak zle slowo), he was only an ordinary car mechanic.
Although they could talk for many hours. nie jest zdaniem....
They had a lot of common 'topic' (dlaczego 'a lot of' a pozniej topic?) of conversation.
She 'has a big popularity' (nie, to jest krzywo - popular with) with men, 'but' (zle slowo) between them (cos tu brak) began to create something beautiful.
They waited only to see (kogo? czego?) again. 'She and he' (a dlaczego nie 'they'?) fell in love.
All (ale kto? musisz napisac) admired them.
He 'put' (daj inne slowo, wiecej przymusajace) a condition either (cos brak) family or him.
Despite the many problems they lived 'hapilly' (ortog) ever after


Pomoc językowa - tłumaczenia


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