[bp] = brak przedimka
[zs] = zle slowo
[orto] = blad ortograficzny
The Internet is a magnificent and amazing addition
in TO our lives. I think using [bp] internet has more advantages then [zs] disadvantages. First of all, [bp] Internet delivers access to a lot of usable information. Using search tools, such as Google or Yahoo, we can find almost everything we need. Thanks to the Internet we can find almost all [wole "any"] information
useful in [zs ...proponuje "required for"]our job or school.
We can also
do shop
ping using [bp] Internet. We have many online shoop [zs] like Ebay and allegro, where we can buy and sell
us staff [zs]. You can pay with your credit card, or transfer money from your bank account or post office. Nowadays, almost every bigger bank offers
transferring money with Internet money transfers. It is
more faster then [zs] going to the bank and filling blankets [?? tego wcale nie rozumiem] Next [zs] advantage of [bp]internet is email. It is now possible to send a message to any part of the world
through [using] a simple email address and [have] the message
is delivered in a matter of seconds. [Of course, we can send not only texts. We can email whatever we want, movies, photos, songs, computer programs etc.....popracuj dalej nad tym]