
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
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Temat: Internet dobrym sposobem na zawieranie nowych znajomości, argumenty za i przeciw.

Without a shadow of doubt the 21st century is the time when/in which the Internet play the lead in our life. It gives us many of privileges like sending texts in a second, watching the missing episodes of our favourite show, exchanging news, doing shopping without going out of house and spend that saved time with book or (at) catching up with work. Also, because the Internet is used by an incredible number of people, it certainly gives us an opportunity to meet new friends.

In the last years the Internet forums have sprung up and there is no taboo which means that everyone will find his place in the social network. The main benefit is that those forums can help spread our knowledge. If you are interest in diving, just write it into a search engine (jest to słowo typowo techniczne, ale nie wiedziałam, czy np. Mogę w takiej rozprawce maturalnej wpisać nazwy własne jak Google), click ‘enter’, chose one of the links and start talking with the other diving lovers. Every simple person is looking for someone who can share his passion with. The Net makes our search shorter. It has been also reported that thanks to the Internet you may not only find your new friend but also a person who you want to spend the rest of your life with. Dating forums are besieged by people in almost every age and social status.

However there are two sides to every story. Everybody who had decided to make new friends through the Internet must be aware of some serious dangers. First and foremost we shouldn’t give to our virtual friends any piece of private information like our home address, phone number etc. Sending photographs is also not recommended because what once gets to the Net, it stays there forever. At the moment when we settled on going to the meeting make sure that it will take place in an open area, full of people and you must take a good friend of yours with you.

The Internet became a good place to find new friends as some time ago it was a library, a coffee house or a park but it is far more dangerous because we never know who is really sitting in front of the second screen. You must never forget this.
edytowany przez meg997: 04 kwi 2012
Without a shadow of (przedimek) doubt the 21st century is the time in which the Internet 'play' (tutaj 3os.l.poj, internet, it) 'the lead' (napisz 'a leading role') in our life. It gives us many 'of' (niepotr) privileges like sending texts in a second, watching 'the missing' (nie, tutaj 'missed') episodes of our favourite show, exchanging news, doing shopping without going out of house and spendING that saved time with (a gdzie przedimek?) book or catching up with (tutaj cos brak) work.

In the last years 'the' (niepotr) Internet forums have sprung up and there is no taboo (tutaj sie gubie, dlaczego ma byc 'taboo' - czy to sie odnosi do tego, ze wolno uzywac, czy do czegos innego)which means that everyone 'will' (zly modal, tutaj CAN) find his place in the social network.
If you are 'interest' (zmien) in diving, just write it into a search engine click ‘enter’, chose one of the links and start talking with the other diving lovers.
Every 'simple' (nie, tu cos nie tak, a simple person' to jest ktos z minimalnym rozumem) person is looking for someone who can share his passion with.
It has 'been also' (zla kol slow) reported that thanks to the Internet you may not only find your new friend but also a person whoM you want to spend the rest of your life with. Dating forums are besieged by people 'in' OF almost every age and social status.

However there are two sides to every story. 'Everybody' (daj everyone) who 'had' HAS decided to make new friends through the Internet must be aware of some serious dangers. First and foremost we shouldn’t give to our virtual friends any piece of private information like our home address, phone number 'etc' (nie wiem, jakie 'etc' ty mozesz komus dac, nie pisz tego - bo to twierszi ze nie wiesz)t. Sending photographs is also not recommended because 'what' (niepotr) once IT gets INto the Net, it stays there forever. At the moment when we HAVE settled on 'going to the' (niepotr) A meeting make sure that it will take place in an open area, full of people and you must take a good friend of yours with you.

The Internet became a good place to find new friends IN THE SAME WAYT as 'some time ago' PREVIOUSLY it was a library, a coffee house or a park but it is far more dangerous because we never know who is really sitting in front of the 'second' OTHER screen.
pod koniec pierwszego zdania present continuous - to nie jest regula, ze XXI wiek taki jest.
many of - zle, privileges tez zle. It offers many advantages
spend - zla forma czasownika, zastanow sie
at do usuniecia
in recent years
forums nie byly wczesniej okreslone
spread = tu znaczy: rozprzestrzeniać. Napisz: expand, increase nawet
interest - zla forma wyrazu
write it - jak mozna wpisac czynnosc? type this word
wielbiciele nurkowania nie byli wczesniej okresleni
simple? kazdy nieskomplikowany czlowiek?
friend jest policzalny
of almost every age
po however przecinek
had decided - zly czas
przez internet = on-line
what once gets to the net jest podmiotem tego zdania. drugi podmiot i przecinek niepotrzebne
The moment we decide... ale po co potem tryb rozkazujacy? Kiedy zdecydujemy sie... upewnij sie...?
interent stal sie czyms obecnie - zly czas
coffee house?
second - to znaczy , ze jest i trzeci, i czwarty... other
o losie... na początek wielkie dzięki za sprawdzenie.

terri "taboo" chodziło mi o temat tabu, że w internecie takie coś nie istnieje. zwrot "without shadow of doubt" używałam już kilka razy i pierwszy raz ktoś zwraca mi uwagę, że przed "doubt" ma być przedimek.

mg z tym "every simple" chodziło mi o "every single" nie wiem dlaczego napisałam "simple"

dzięki raz jeszcze!


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