jedzenie fast food, sprawdzenie

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Zad. do you think fast food companies are partly to blame for obesity? justify your answer
I think fast food companies aren’t to plame for obesity. We, people twentieth century, are awakening, because we are watching TV, listening a radio and reading a newspapers. We are hearing about unhealthy food and its fallout. Fast food companies don’t pay the price on their own for our stupid and gluttony. People ourselves are doomIng obesity. nobody is forcing them to eating.

Uważam, ze Fast food firmy nie są odpowiedzialne za otyłość. My, ludzie XXIw. Jesteśmy uświadomieni, ponieważ oglądamy TV, słuchamy radia oraz czytamy gazety. My dużo słyszmy o niezdrowym jedzeniu i jego skutkach. Firmy Fast food nie mogą ponosić konsekwencji za naszą głupotę i nieumiarkowanie w jedzeniu. Ludzie sami skazują siebie na otyłość. Nikt nie zmusza ich do jedzenia.
I think fast food companies 'aren’t' ARE NOT to plame for obesity. We, people (tu brakuje 2 slowa) twentieth century, 'are awakening' (ale do czego?) , because we are watching TV, listening 'a' (zle, popraw) radio and reading 'a' (dlaczego 'a' przed l. mn?) newspapers. We are hearing about unhealthy food and 'its fallout' (cos tu nie tak). Fast food companies 'don’t' (uzyj tutaj modal) pay the price on their own for our 'stupid' (zla czesc mowy) and gluttony. People 'ourselves' (zle slowo) are 'dooming' (nie za bardzo trafne slowo) obesity. nobody is forcing them to 'eating' EAT.

I think fast food companies ARE NOT to blame for obesity. We, the people a twentieth century, are awakening in healthy nutrition , because we are watching TV, listening the radio and reading newspapers. We are hearing about unhealthy food and its effects. Fast food companies shouldn't pay the price on their own for our stupidity and gluttony.You reap what you sow that you are obestly (Sami są sobie winni, ze sa otyli.). nobody is forcing them to eat.

a teraz?
edytowany przez fui_eu: 05 kwi 2012
I think fast food companies ARE NOT to blame for ___ /czyje?/ obesity. We, the people a ___ ___ twentieth century, are awakening WAKING UP in TO healthy nutrition , because we are watching TV, listening ___ the radio and reading newspapers. We are hearing LEARNING about unhealthy food and its NEGATIVE effects ON OUR BODIES. Fast food companies INDUSTRY shouldn't be held responsible pay the price on their own for our stupidity and OVEREATING gluttony.IT IS OUR OWN FAULT IF WE ARE OBESE. You reap what you sow that you are obestly (Sami są sobie winni, ze sa otyli.). Nobody is forcing them US to eat.

I think fast food companies ARE NOT to blame for obesity. We, the people a twentieth century, are awakening in healthy nutrition , because we are watching TV, listening the radio and reading newspapers. We are hearing about unhealthy food and its effects. Fast food companies shouldn't pay the price on their own for our stupidity and gluttony.You reap what you sow that you are obestly (Sami są sobie winni, ze sa otyli.). nobody is forcing them to eat.

a teraz?
Ja i fui_eu dalismy Ci wskazowki gdzie masz poprawic - a Ty dalej swoje.
I think fast food companies are not to blame for oursobesity. We, the people a are living twentieth century, are awakening WAKING UP in TO healthy nutrition , because we are watching TV, listening __ (nie wiem co wpisać) the radio and reading newspapers. We are hearing LEARNING about unhealthy food and its NEGATIVE effects ON OUR BODIES. Fast food companies INDUSTRY shouldn't be held responsible pay the price on their own for our stupidity and OVEREATING gluttony.IT IS OUR OWN FAULT IF WE ARE OBESE. You reap what you sow that you are obestly. Nobody is forcing them US to eat.

terri: nie zauważyłam kolejnych wskazówek
@croppus, uzyj Google jezeli nie masz pewnosci co wpisac albo tylko dla sprawdzenia. Np: wpisz "'listen * the radio" i zobacz jaki bedzie wynik, ie. BRAKUJACE SLOWO. Podobnie ze zdaniem, "people __ __ twentieth century" TO jest przeciez takie latwe. Niektore slowa czy zdania byly wykreslone, a wciaz ukazuja sie w Twoim tekscie /???/
edytowany przez fui_eu: 06 kwi 2012
I think fast food companies are not to blame for oursobesity. We, the people twenty-first century, are WAKING UP TO healthy nutrition , because we are watching TV, listening to the radio and reading newspapers. We are LEARNING about unhealthy food and its NEGATIVE effects ON OUR BODIES. Fast food INDUSTRY shouldn't be held responsible for our stupidity and OVEREATING.IT IS OUR OWN FAULT IF WE ARE OBESE. Nobody is forcing us to eat.
OK, ja wpisalem do Google "we, the people * * twentieth century" i dostalem wynik w miejsce gwiazdek IN THE i OF THE. IN nie pasuje bo wtedy by bylo "ludzie w dwudziestym wieku" a Twoj kontekst = LUDZIE DWUDZIESTEGO WIEKU wiec bedzie OF THE, prawda? W pierwszym zdaniu nie ma takiego slowa oursobesity, to latwo mozna w slowniku sprawdzic; wpisz OUR OBESITY.
edytowany przez fui_eu: 09 kwi 2012
I think fast food companies are not to blame for our obesity. We, the people OF THE twenty-first century, are WAKING UP TO healthy nutrition , because we are watching TV, listening to the radio and reading newspapers. We are LEARNING about unhealthy food and its NEGATIVE effects ON OUR BODIES. Fast food INDUSTRY shouldn't be held responsible for our stupidity and OVEREATING.IT IS OUR OWN FAULT IF WE ARE OBESE. Nobody is forcing us to eat.

sorry nie zauwazylam...
I think THAT, (I think THAT) fast food companies are not to blame for 'our' (ja tutaj napisalabym dokladnie o kogo Ci chodzi, bo np ja jestem size 0, tak, ze nie obese....I wish) obesity. We, the people OF THE 'twenty-first' (generaslnie piszemy XXI) century, are WAKING UP TO healthy nutrition , because 'we are watching TV, listening to the radio and reading newspapers' (cos mi tutaj nie gra, bo to wyglada tak, ze obudzamy sie dlatego ze ogladamy TV, ale to nie jest tak, - obudzamy sie dlatego, ze W TV, radio sa przedstawione programy ktore nas uprzedzaja/ daja do wiadomosci skutki bycia 'obese'). We are LEARNING about unhealthy food and its NEGATIVE effects ON OUR BODIES.
Nobody is forcing us to eat. (to jest prawda, ale....niekiedy fachowcy od wlepiana ludziom byle jedzenia, przedstawiaja to tak smacznie, ze nawet nie zauwazysz, ze 'burger' niema nic wspolnego, bar nawet nie siadzialo blisko miesa. Pranie mozgow-
co do jedzenia masz racje (mnie szczegolnie kusi mcdonaldss)- jednak wniosek jakis musi być.

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