sprawdzenie tekstu i poprawnienie błędów

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Proszę o spr tekstu i poprawienie błędów.
Oto tekst: (pierwszy dzień w szkole)

My first day at school I remember very well. It was very sunny day. I got up early. I went to school at nine o'clock and I was curious how to will be in school. I wore blue jeans and white shirt. In front of the building was large crowd. At the beginning I afraided school but after I met new friends and they were very nice. Everybody went to own classroom. Teacher was very polite and said everything about rule and shown whole school. All ended well and I could return home. It was day full impression and emotion.
'My first day at school I remember very well' ja bym to zdanie inaczy zrobila..I remember...). It was (brak przedimka) very sunny day. I went to school 'at' (*cos mi to tutaj nie pasuje, moze 'for') nine o'clock and I was curious how 'to' (zle slowo, nie widze dlaczego to jest uzyte) (tutaj brakuje cos...moze the day) will be in school. I wore blue jeans and (brak przedimka) white shirt. In front of the building was (brak przedimka) large crowd. At the beginning I 'afraided' (nie, tutaj 'was afraid') OF school but after I met new friends and they were very nice...(no i czy byles 'less afraid?, brakuje konca tego zdania..dlatego ze napisales ..at the beginning, to chcemy wiedziec jak bylo 'at the end')
Everybody went to THEIR own classroomS. (brak przedimka) teacher was very polite and 'said' TOLD US everything about 'rule' (to jest zle, tutaj chyba myslisz o 'szkolnych'..to napisz) and shown (komu? czemu? musisz napisac) (brak przedimka) whole school.
It was (brak przedimka) day full (brak cos) impression and emotion.

Masz prblemy z przedimkami (a, an, the) - prosze sie ich nauczyc i ich uzywac.