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The following text is talking about the mysterious virus which attacks people very quickly. In the text is an example case of 51 years old lady, whose process of disease develops very quickly. There are symptoms such as fever, nausea and general malaise. At the beginning the doctors don’t know what happens with the patient. After blood test the doctors know everything. Patients have West Nil virus. After that Tracey McNamara was doing test on the birds which were dead. She confirmed the theory about West Nil virus. In the text we can find description of virus. The virus spreads very quickly. Scientists began to study the virus, which is sprawled by birds, mosquitoes and other animals. Thousands of people are carriers of the virus, a few of them died. One of virologists James Meegan, who was studying West Nile virus in Africa, is surprised by the "view" of the disease in New York. The text well illustrates how you can prevent virus infection. Author draws attention that the best mosquito repellents are sprays or lotions containing DEET. Also author of the text presents the statistics of casualties among the people, and wonders which will bring together the year 2003.

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