Sprawdzenie - list nieformalny z recenzją książki.

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Witam. Jak w temacie ;)
Napisz list do znajomej w której opowiesz jej o książce ktorą przeczytałeś.
Opowiedz co stało się w książce, napisz o jej autorze i napisz swoją opinię.
Oczywiście troche pozmyślałem bo historia wiedźmina jest troszkę inna no ale to na potrzeby zadania ;)

Hi Ann,

I'm writting to you to recommend you a fantastic book that I've just read. It's calles "The Witcher" and it was written by Andrzej Sapkowski, polish fantasy writer.
It's the story about Geralt from Rivia, the witcher. He was a human, but he decided to sacrifice his life for killing monsters. He is teaching fighting and magic skills in Kear-Mohren.
The author has created magical, fantasy world with lot of monsters and characters based on English mythology.
Geralt is brave, smart, well-built and handsome. He can make elixires, cure himself and use runes of magic. He's got a lot of friends, for example Jaskier, Ciri and Yennefer - the love of his life. I won't give the ending way in case you decide to read the book.
I really like this novel, cause as you know I love fantasy books. In my opinion, "The Witcher" is even better tha "Lord of the Rings" by Tolkien - it hasn't long descriptions of nature, and it was wriiten with great, modern language. It's very gripping and you can't wait for next chapter.
Now, I'm waiting for next episode, that I've just ordered. I wanna read all saga. I think, you should try it!
Have you read any good books recently? Can you recommend me something?
See you next month on your birthday party.
Take care.
Ponawiam prośbę o pomoc, bo temat zaczyna spadać coraz niżej a nie dostałem odpowiedzi :)
Cytat: milons
Witam. Jak w temacie ;)

Hi Ann,

I'm writting<_ORTTOG to you to recommend you a fantastic book that I've just read. It's calles<-LITEROWKAD "The Witcher" and it was written by Andrzej Sapkowski, PRZEDIMEK WIELKA LITERA->polish fantasy writer.
It's the<-JA JEJ NIE ZNAM story about Geralt from Rivia, the witcher. He was a human, but he decided to sacrifice his life for killing monsters. He is teaching LEPIEJ SIMPLE PRESENT fighting and magic skills in Kear-Mohren.
The author has created PRZEDIMEK magical, fantasy world with PRZEDIMEK lot of monsters and characters based >way in case you decide to read the book.
I really like this novel, cause as you know I love fantasy books. In my opinion, "The Witcher" is even better tha<-BRAKL ITERY "Lord of the Rings" by Tolkien - it hasn't long descriptions of nature, and it was wriiten IN great, modern language. It's very<-NIE, RACZEJ REALLY gripping and you can't wait for PRZEDIMEK next chapter.
Now, I'm waiting for TEZ next episode, WHICH I've just ordered. I wanna<-ZA BARDZO POTOCZNE read all PRZEDIMEK saga. I think, you should try it!
Have you read any good books recently? Can you recommend me something?
See you next month AT your birthday party.
Take care.