Krótkie streszczenie książeczki, prośba o sprawdzenie (błędy językowe, gramatyczne) brak mi pewności czy jest w miarę dobrze

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Where is Paula" is the short book, the story beginning in the hospital, where the David - main hero wake up. He dont remember what is her name, and what was happened. Near her bed on the table was standed some flowers, cards with words "Get well soon" and white envelope. Inside was 3 photographes:
- On the first was small boy with fair hair - He was concluded that he is her son.
- On the second was a men and women. Maybe My wife with me - say David
On third photographs He saw women with blue eyes. In the corner was inscription - "Love Paula"
David was began remember what are he was before it as woke up in the hospital.
He meet Paula her sister in the airport, She was return on the holiday in Amsterdam.
Paula had 2 bags. Personal and women which was sat next She on the plane. Her name was Lucy. They are waited long time, the women don't went. Paula was spoke: Perhabs isn't important, let's go. David fast drove, and spoke with sister on his holiday. Paula was looked on the Lucy's bag, and was found packets with the drugs. They are was driving to the police station, when Lucy' car catched up them. David was stopped car. Lucy took his bag. Brother and siser was waited as Lucy with your driver go out. They were scarried. Lucy and men with gun were carried away on the David car. Men was wounded her from the gun, and they abducted Paula and go away on the car.
The police men was hearded her story in the hospital. David has preaseging That Paula was in the boot! They were Twins. Police was going on the river. In one boot were the kidnappers and Paula. In the evening main hero was saw her sister. She was tired, but very happy. She was spoke that this holiday don't forget to the end of his life.
END! ')
Cytat: uczen_michal
Where is Paula" is A short book, A story beginning in A hospital JAK PISZESZ THE, TO ZNACZY, ZE CZYTELNIK WIE, O KTORE OPOWIADANIE, SZPITAL ITP., CHDZI, ALBO ZE ONE SA JEDYNE NA SIWECIE, where the David - main hero wake<-ZLA FORMA CZASOWNIKA up. He dont<-PISOWNIA remember what is her<-JEJ? name, and what was happened<-BYŁO SIĘ STAŁO?. Near her bed on the table was standed some flowers ULOZ TO ZDANIE Z THERE ARE, cards with words "Get well soon" and white envelope. Inside was 3 photographes<-PISOWNIA:
- On the first was PRZEDIMEK small boy with fair hair - He was concluded BYL WYWNIOSKOWAL?that he is her son.
- On the second was a men<-TO JEST LICZBA MNOGA and women. Maybe My wife with me - say David

Ogólnie mnóstwo prostych błędów. Skup się i popraw resztę wg tych wskazowek
Where is Paula" is 'the' (popraw) short book, the story beginning in 'the' (popraw) hospital, where 'the' (co? co ty tu wypisujesz?) David - (brak cos) main hero 'wake' (zla osoba, he- to jest 3os.lpoj - nie rob juz takich bledow - oczekujemy wiecej od ciebie) up. He 'dont' (napisz to w calosci) remember what is 'her' (jej imie, a po co mu pamietaj jej imie, dobrze bedzie jak zapamieta swoje) name, and what 'was' (niepotr) happened. Near 'her' ( o jakiej kobiecie tutaj mowiesz? Czy jeszcze nie rozpoznajesz roznicy pomiedzy 'he' a 'she') bed on the table 'was' (to ma sie zgadzac z flowers) standed some flowers, cards with words "Get well soon" and (tu cos brak) white envelope. Inside 'was' (to ma sie zgadzac z photographs) 3 'photographes' (blad ortog):
- On the first was (cos brak) small boy with fair hair - He 'was' (nie uzywaj 'was' to oznacza 'bylem', drugi czasownik mowi ze to jest w czasie przeszlym) concluded that he is 'her' (juz sie pogubilam, nie wiem o kogo chodzi) son.
- On the second was 'a men and women' (nie mozesz pisac 'a' przed l. mnoga). Maybe my wife with me - 'say' (tu jest blad, to ma byc 3os.l.poj i daj wiecej odpowiednie slowo) David
On (tu cos brak) third 'photographs' (tutaj l. poj) He saw 'women' (nie, nie, nie, ty masz na mysli l. poj, a piszesz l. mnoga dlaczego to robisz?) with blue eyes. In the corner was (tu cos brak) inscription - "Love Paula"
David 'was' (niepotr) began (cos brak) remember what 'are' (niepotr) he was before 'it' (nie wiem do czego 'it' sie odnosi) as (kto? co?) woke up in the hospital.
He meet Paula (cos brak) her sister in the airport, She was 'return' (zle slowo) 'on' (zle slowo) 'the' (zle slowo) holiday in Amsterdam.
Paula had 2 bags. 'Personal' (tego slowa tutaj nie rozumiem) and 'women' (znowu ta l. mnoga) 'which' (o ludziach to 'who') was sat next (tu cos brak 2 slowa) 'She' (zle slowo) on the plane.
They 'are' (nie rozumiem dlaczego kladziesz to 'was' i 'are' tutaj tak? przeczytaj dokladnie o tym) waited (brak 2 slowa) long time, the 'women' (popraw) 'don't' (co to slowo tutaj robi, po pierwsze pisz w calosci jak jeszcze nie rozumiesz, po drugie nie pisz bzdur) went. Paula 'was' (znowu to samo - you try the patience of a saint) spoke: 'Perhabs' (blad ortog) (tu cos brak) isn't important, let's go. David 'fast drove' (zla kol slow), and spoke with (cos brak) sister on his holiday. Paula 'was' (niepotr) looked on 'the' (niepotr) Lucy's bag, and 'was' (kochanie, przestan z tym 'was' bo to mnie dreczy) found packets with the drugs. They 'are' (niepotr) 'was driving' (zle) to the police station, when Lucy' car 'catched up' (popraw, to czasown niereg. Zawsze miej liste tych czas przy sobie jak cos piszesz) (brak slowa) them. David 'was' (zakochales sie w tym 'was' czy cos-) stopped (cos brak) car.
Brother and siser 'was' (juz teraz wiem, ze nie rozumiesz co piszesz, ) waited as Lucy with 'your' (zle slowo) driver 'go out' (zle slowa). They were 'scarried' (blad ortog). Lucy and (cos brak) 'men' (tu ma byc l. poj) with (cos brak) gun 'were carried away' (nie zla konotacja) 'on' (zle slowo) the 'David' (tu cos ma byc, bo to nalezy do niego) car. (cos brak) 'Men' (l. poj) 'was' (niepotr) (brak slowa) wounded her from the gun, and they abducted Paula and 'go' (zle slowo) away 'on the car' (dlaczego piszesz 'na aucie' a nie 'autem'?).
The police 'men' (tutaj l. poj) 'was' (juz nie mam patience do tego) 'hearded' (czasownik niereg - pisalam juz o tej liscie) her story in the hospital. David has 'preaseging' (tego slowa nie rozumiem) that Paula was in the boot! 'They were Twins' (kto? co? bo tutaj sie pogubilam). Police 'was' (tutaj daj 'were') going 'on the' (zla konotacja) river.
In the evening (cos brak) main hero was saw her sister.
She 'was' (kochanie, uzywasz tego 'was' ale to nie jest potrzebne, jak masz drugi czasownik ktory mowi ze to byl czas przeszly) spoke that (tutaj daj...ona nie zapomni) this holiday 'don't forget to' (niepotr) (cos brak) the end of 'his' (niemoza byc 'his' jak to mowi kobieta') life.

Masz problemy z przedimkami (a, an, the) nie wiesz gdzie to uzywac a gdzie nie
Masz problemy z uzywaniem 'was' bo jestes tak zafascynowany/zakochany w tym slowie ze uzywasz gdzie tylko mozesz
Nie rozpoznajesz kiedy uzywac l. poj a kiedy l. mn.
Nie pamietasz ze 'man' to 'he' a kobieta to 'she'
Popraw to wszystko i jeszcze raz sprawdzimy.
Dziękuję za zainteresowanie, poprawię to dzis jak się obudzę i wrzucę jeszcze raz


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