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How I met my close friend? It’s a long story. It was in grammar school. I was sitting with a boy named Jacek. We talked a lot and he became my first close classmate. I must say that my first impression wasn’t good but during the time we talked and I changed my mind. We met each other after school every day. We had a lot in common. Both of us liked sport and every kind of activity like bike riding, swimming, skiing. Time passed we grown up and Jacek still is my close friend. Now I’m studying somewhere else but we keep in touch by phone, internet and sometimes we meet in our favorite bar. I like Jack because we have the same sense of humour and different character. He’s more emotional, unpredictable, impulsive. But what I don’t like about Jacek that sometimes he's too impulsive and he doesn’t control he’s behavior with in result he have a lot o problems. My friend always was good at computers and he spend a lot of money on new technology. Currently he works with computers so he’s in ‘heaven’.
se\iedzialam z =I shared a desk with
bo was sitting = w danej chwili siedzialam
during the time = w tym czasie, napisz over time
we grown up - niepoprawna forma czasownika lub czas
zamiast internet napisz on-line
co mi sie nie podoba u jacka że
he's = he is
and as a result we...
was good -tak jakby juz nie zyl, uzyj present perfect
spend - zlas formas czasownikas po he
in seventh heaven, on cloud nine
like bike riding i tu jeszcze błąd jest najpierw czasownik, a pozniej rzeczownik
chociaż bike riding też może być.
tak jak piszesz, moze byc:
like bike riding
like riding a/my bike (koniecznie z okreslnikiem)
dziekuję bardzo :)
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.


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