Sprawdzenie opisu miejsca

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Witam! Napisałam opis z arkusza maturalnego, temat to:
Opisz zaniedbane miejsce w Twojej okolicy (np. budynek, ulicę, park), które ze względu
na swoją lokalizację i ciekawą historię mogłoby stać się atrakcją turystyczną.

Bardzo proszę o sprawdzenie mojego tekstu lub jakieś wskazówki, z góry dziękuję.

In the suburbs of my town is located beautiful, abandoned residence. The house was built about year 1890, so now it looks really old.
From the outside a overgrown garden can be seen, just like enormous front doors and the same windows. Ensemble is surrounded by big, rusty gate. The house looks scary, especially in the evenings and at night. This residence lays in a calm, bare district and that’s the reason why many people are afraid going in this area.
This abandoned residence involves some terrifying story. The legend says that this house is haunted by ghosts! Many years ago, a family living there, has disappeared. The police couldn’t find them, and it looked very strange, because they left everything in house, furniture, clothes etc., just like they melted into thin air. Finally, case was closed, but since the family gone missing, the residence was taken by ghosts. People say, that after midnight in this house some moans can be heard and white, scary figure can be seen.
I think, that places like this one are very interesting. Someone could repair the house and make it over an touristic attraction. The legend requires advertisement of course, but I’m sure that it’s worth, because here are any other objects like this one. In my opinion this house, renovated, can be a really nice idea of a new touristic attraction in our area.

In the suburbs of my town is located (a gdzie przedimek? trz zostal abandoned?) beautiful, abandoned residence. The house was built about 'year' (niepotr) 1890, so now it looks really 'old' (poszukaj inne slowo, np decrepit).
From the outside aN overgrown garden can be seen, 'just like enormous front doors' (nie wiem, czy chcesz napisac, ze ta garden przypomina duze drzwi?) 'and the same windows.' (to jest zle).
' Ensemble' (nie za bardzo trafne slowo) is surrounded by (przedimek) big, rusty gate. The house looks scary, especially in the evenings and at night. This 'residence' (nie mieszaj, albo house, albo residence) 'lays' (lepiej 'is situated') in a calm, bare district and that’s the reason why many people are afraid OF going inTO this area.
This abandoned residence 'involves' (nie za bardzo trafne, napisz lepiej ze 'chowa') some terrifying story. The 'legend' (troche za strong, moze 'myth') says that this house is haunted by ghosts! Many years ago, a family living there, 'has' HAD disappeared. The police couldn’t find them, and it looked very strange, because they left everything in (przedimek) house, furniture, clothes 'etc' (co to z tym 'etc', napisz jak mozna zostawic 'etc'?). (daj tutaj jeszce cos..'it looked') just like they 'melted' (nie za bardzo trafne, moze disappeared) into thin air. Finally, (przedimek) case was closed, but EVER since the family 'gone' WENT missing, the residence was taken UP by ghosts.
Someone could 'repair' (moze lepiej 'renovate') the house and make it 'over' (niepotr) 'an' A 'touristic' TOURIST attraction. The legend requires advertisement of course, but I’m sure that it’s worth IT, because 'here are any other objects like this one' (tego nie rozumiem). In my opinion this house, renovated, can be a really nice idea of a new 'touristic' (tourist) attraction in our area.

>>>'melted' (nie za bardzo trafne, moze disappeared) into thin air.
może być:
vanish without trace
vanish/disappear off the face of the earth
vanish into thin air
vanish without a trace
edytowany przez lexass: 30 kwi 2012
Dziękuję za sprawdzenie i wskazówki :) może wytłumaczę się, co chciałam napisać w zdaniach, których nie dało się zrozumieć. Z tymi drzwiami i ogrodem chciałam, żeby wyszło, że można zobaczyć ogród, drzwi i okna... Końcówka miała brzmieć tak: "(...) ponieważ nie ma tutaj żadnych obiektów, jak ten." Aha, to "etc." myślałam, że będzie dobrze, ponieważ "zostawili w domu wszystko; meble, ubrania itd.".
Cytat: lexass
vanish without a trace

vanish without (a) trace - tak jest u mnie w słowniku. Więc 'a' opcjonalne.

W Oxford z kolei jest już bez przedimka.
Cytat: grudziu
Cytat: lexass
vanish without a trace

vanish without (a) trace - tak jest u mnie w słowniku. Więc 'a' opcjonalne.
W Oxford z kolei jest już bez przedimka.

vanish without A trace,
disappear without a trace
wg mnnie 'a' nie jest option - uzyj starsze slowniki jak ten Oxford...

troche zmienilam,
From the outside one can see an overgrown garden and enormous front doors and windows which look Gothic in appearance.
The whole area is surrounded by An enormous rusty gate.
Do tego, że poprawiacie słowiki wiem RIGHT FROM THE WORD GO;)
Whatever I write, you correct dictionaries, anyways.
Cytat: grudziu
Whatever I write, you correct dictionaries, anyways.

and will continue to do so, until the dictionaries are correct....;-)
Cytat: terri
Cytat: grudziu
Whatever I write, you correct dictionaries, anyways.

and will continue to do so, until the dictionaries are correct....;-)

ok. What's the use of it? You're stubborn as a mule:) terri, admiteddly, it's a small beer
grudziu, terri zakonczyla swoja wypowiedz winkiem; przypuszczam, ze sie z toba przekomarzala w tym temacie
without trace jest wielce BrE; without a trace przeniklo gl. z AmE
>>>grudziu, terri zakonczyla swoja wypowiedz winkiem; przypuszczam, ze sie z toba przekomarzala w tym temacie
dziekuje engee- grudziu jeszcze nie rozumie mojego 'sense of humour'
Cytat: engee30
without trace jest wielce BrE; without a trace przeniklo gl. z AmE

Ah...ten darn BrE ;)
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.


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