Proszę o sprawdzenie speecha

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Temat: Which rules would you keep and what would you change if you were the headmaster of this school?

What would I do if I were the headmaster of my school? It's a difficult question because I can't imagine myself as a headmaster. I think I wouldn't be good at this job. However, there are rules which I would change.
The first little problem are delays. We all know it: if a pupil is late two times, he gets three - namely, only correct mark for behaviour. It isn't always easy to be punctual. I would change this rule - three delays would correspond to very good mark for behaviour.
I would also change the tule which is connected with the previous rule. If school started at, for example, half past eight, the students wouldn't be late. I'm not sure whether a headmaster is able to improve such things, but I think this change would be useful.
The next issue are IDs. For some students it's a controversial element. I don't mind it. Wearing IDs has determined purposes and makes sense. Yes, I forget my ID sometimes, but that rule is quite neccesary. I would keep this one.
If I were a headmaster, I would keep wearing slippers at school. We should respect cleaners' work, so this norm is right.
In conclusion, I must say that rules are essential because they ensure harmony.

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Cytat: streetbootblack
I would also change the tule which is connected with the previous rule.

Tu miało być RULE, nie TULE, literówka.


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