Pomoc z listem, wazna mi jest wasza opinia:)

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Czesc, prosilamby serdecznie o pomoc z listem. Mam nadzieję nie zastraszę swoją straszną pisownią, bo tak naprawdę koszmar jest z tą English english:))) Mam w sobotę egzamin z angielskiego i bardzo wazna mi jest wasza opinia...
Dziękuję jesli kltos odwazy się zerknąc:)

Temat cos w podobie:write to your friend about your favorite activity, be thankfull for his letter.
Dear Dan,

I felt really excited after your previous letter.I am glad that you told me about your favorite activity- parkour.I‘m sure that this extraordinary hobby gives you uforgetible feelings of body strenght and soul freedom. But parkour also may be unsafe , so I hope you will train enought before climb somwhere high or do something extremely dangerous.

Your letter inspired me to tell you about my favorite activity: drawing.I foud myself in art in my early childhood after watching ,,Lion King‘‘ cartoon. I was amazed by Disney Pictures work , i liked ewerything in this movie ;music, great story and mostuly lion king appearance. Then, I started imagine my own stories about lions with i puti in my paintings. When time passed my pictures became really good.

Now I am spending a lot of time on drawing. Anywhere i go I i bring my pen with me. there is ALWAYS may be possibility that i find something beautiful which is imidiatly need to be drowen.
My hobby helps me to relax and is the best for those who prefers calm tipe of activity as me.

Looking forward to hearing from you . Write me soon as you can.
'parkour' (nigdy nie spotlalam sie z tym slowem) .
I‘m sure that this extraordinary hobby gives you 'uforgetible' (blad ortog) feelings of body 'strenght' (ortog) and soul freedom. But parkour 'also may' (zla kol slow) be unsafe , so I hope you will train enought before 'climb' (zle slowo) 'somwhere' (ortog) high or 'do' (zle slowo) something extremely dangerous.

I 'foud' (ortog) myself in art in my early childhood after watching (przedimek) ,,Lion King‘‘ cartoon. I was amazed by Disney Pictures 'work' (cos tu nie tak) , 'i' (popraw) liked 'ewerything' (ortog) in this movie ;music, great story and 'mostuly' (ortog) (przedimek) Lion King appearance. Then, I started (cos brak) imagine my own stories about lions 'with' (zle slowo) 'i' (popraw) 'puti' (ortog) in my paintings.

Anywhere 'i' (popraw, czy naprawde na tym poziomie trzeba Ci przypominac, ze 'I' piszemy duza litera?) go I bring my pen with me. there is ALWAYS 'may be' THE possibility that 'i' (popraw) WILL find something beautiful which 'is' (niepotr) 'imidiatly' (ortog) needS to be 'drowen' (ortog).
My hobby helps me to relax and is the best for those who 'prefers' (popraw) (przedimek) calm 'tipe' (ortog) of activity 'as' LIKE me.

Write me AS soon as you can.
Anywhere i go I i bring my pen with me
oprocz wspomnianych bledow, uwazam ze nie bedzie BRING.
masz racje, jest lepsze slowo..