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Spędziłeś u swoich znajomych brytyjczyków wspaniały weekend. podziękuj im i zaproś do siebie.

I’m sorry I haven’t written for such a long time. I would like to thank you for having me to stay.
And for the time we spent together. I’m really glad that you showed me so much interesting places in London. Big Ben was amazing! It was the biggest clock tower I ever seen in my whole life! The weather was great.
Could you remind me the name of the dish that we ate at “Under Umbrella” restaurant? It was really tasty. I would like to find recipe and try to cook it by myself.
After I came back to Warsaw I won main reward in karaoke conquest, a trip to Costa Brava but I didn’t have time for it so I sell it on ebay and I have start a flat renovation repaint etc. I’ll finish it in next week so I would like to invite you to Warsaw for the biggest party that you ever seen. You can stay in my apartment as long as you want I got one free room anyway. I have so much places to show you in Warsaw. The party will take place at 18 May.
I will await your reply.



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