It is directed by Tate Taylor and it is classified as (a gdzie przedimek?) drama. Watching it, we have (przedimek? dlaczego ich nie uzywasz?) chance to observe (przedimek) relations between white people and their black home help in (przedimek) 1960's.
But despite serious themes the story is devoid of pathos and seem to be rather a kind of tale than (przedimek) shocking documentary.
The film tells(przedimek) story of (przedimek) young journalist Eugenia Phelan called Skeeter( Emma Stone), who wants 'to begin a well-know writer' (co to takiego? nie rozumiem?) in the future. Emma, being raised up by(przedimek) black maid , 'she' (niepotr) is' seating' (to znaczy siedziec? co to?) out to write about (przedimek) treatment (cos brak) black home help by their employers and social inquality.
The aim is not easy to achieve, 'becouse' (nie wiem gdzie to slowo znalazles, ale ono nie istnieje w jez. ang - popraw i naucz sie je pisac poprawnie) black maids are afraid of 'her' (zle slowo) job or even their 'lifes' (blad ortog), when the government limitS the rights of black people. Eugenia also runs' the' (zxle slowo) risk, 'becouse' (co to? popraw i nie pisz glupstw) 'it' (niepotr) what she does is illegal and 'punished' (zla czesc mowy).
Although, ambitious journalist finS (she findS) two brave women Aibileen Clark ( Viola Devis) and Minny Jackson (Octavia Spencer), who tell (komu? czemu? psu? kotu? musisz napisac) about humiliation AND (przedimek) ingratitude by white laides. Aibileen Clark is (przedimek) 'epitame' (ortog) (cos brak) politeness with a "m'am" at the end of every utterance. She suffers abuse at the hand of (przedimek) white employers and also she feels (ale co? cieplo? zimno?) 'at related' (tego to nie rozumiem) with white babies, who are under her care. What is interesting, IS THAT white kids treat their maids like (cos brak) true mothers. Another maid, Minny is rebellious and full of energy person... 'and' BUT I would not LIKE TO reveal all the details.
'Then' (nie rozumiem, dlaczego to slowo tutaj jest),
The main disadvantages of this film 'is' (disadvantageS is? od kiefy?) predictability ( you know what 'to be' (to jest zle, 'is likely to) happpen next) and it is to hard to 'mention' 'a' (jakie 'a' - opera? pop? o czym mowa) music. During two and half hours 'anly' (ortog) a few minutes is varied by well-audible 'songs' (ale przeciez wymienias tylko jeden song) 'Let's Twist Again' by Chuck Berry. It is a well- know fact that music creates 'a' THE mood of (brak cos) movie but the music in the background is very 'poorly' (zla czesc mowy). Besides, is 'seemd' (ortog) 'to be' (niepotr) that (cos brak) director all the time returnS (HE-director-returnS) to the same things, so I feel a quite bored with it. Taylor does not care about 'attractive overtones whole' (tego nie rozumiem). Maybe he wants (przedimek) viewer to decide FOR 'yourself' HIMSELF 'of the characters' (tego nie rozumiem) . But in this way he also 'riskes' (ortog) the loss OF interest of (przedimek) viewer.
I don't know also what I may think about acting. Octavia Spencer is as if funny or feisty, but I am not totally convinced that it is 'realy' (ortog ale i tak zla czesc mowy). She only 'tells' TALKS about eating, it is a bit annoying. I like' a' (zle slowo) episode of 'mother's Eugenia' (tutaj masz pokrecone, ma byc Eugenia's mother), 'what' (zle slowo, kalka z polskiego, ma byc WHICH) is the more realistic character. One of her opinions 'adresed' (ortog) to her single 'doughter' (dlaczego wymyslac nowa ortografie? tutaj DAUGHTER) is : ' Love and hate are two hornS on the some goat, Eugenia.
The roles of white 'laides' (ortog) are exaggerated 'startind' (ortog) from (przedimek) cruel Hilly Holbrook ( Bryce Howard) and ending on (przedimek) naive , blonde Celia Foote ( Jessica Jonney).
The film is 'unequal' (to jest zle slowo, lepiej 'balanced') for me , but it won a few prizes, for example (przedimek) Oscar for Spencer (za co?). I must say THAT it focusED on a very important problem showing (przedimek) 'live' (zla czesc mowy) of ordinary woman, but I wouldn't watch it again. I wouldn't recommend it to 'poeple' (ortog) who like unexpected twistS in (przedimek) plot and psychological analysis of (przedimek) hero or heroine. If you are of them wait until 'it' (daj tutaj 'the movie') comes out on DVD. If you like a calm plot or you are 'inrerested' (ortog) in matters of racial discrimination you can go ahead to the cinema.