Proszę o sprawdzenie zadania - nie kumam ale zrobiłem- dobrze?

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Fill the gaps with the correct forms of the words or phrases in brackets. Use Present Continuous or Future Simple.
SPEAKER A: I don't remember if I locked the door. - SPEAKER B: Then you will have (have) to go back and check it.
SPEAKER A: Your sister forgot to give us the necessary details. - SPEAKER B: Don't worry, I will do(do) it instead.
What are you doing (you/do) tonight?
Tom and me are going to watch (watch) a movie, so we will not play football with you now.
SPEAKER A: Jordan doesn't understand Spanish. - SPEAKER B: That's not a problem. We will translate(translate) the speech for him.
SPEAKER A: My report seems to have a lot of errors in it. - SPEAKER B: Don't worry, I will help (help) you correct them.
SPEAKER A: Michael said he's leaving our school on Monday to study abroad. - SPEAKER B: I hope we will stay (stay) in touch with him.
I am going to meet (meet) Tracy today evening so I cannot be at your place at 6 p.m.
SPEAKER A: I would like to learn to speak Italian. - SPEAKER B: Ask Giulio, maybe he will find (find) some time to teach you.
I can't come to your party tonight. At 9 pm I am going to play (play) an important game.
SPEAKER A: I know I promised to go swimming with you but I have too many assignments to do for tomorrow. - SPEAKER B: Never mind - I will ask (ask) Jack. He wanted to come as well.
I can't give you the phone now. I will talk(talk) with Sam about our project.
SPEAKER A: James was absent yesterday and he doesn't know about our plan. - SPEAKER B: In that case, we will have (have) to visit him and talk face to face.
SPEAKER A: Jessica wants to spend the spring holidays here but she doesn't have a place to stay. - SPEAKER B: Well, I will ask (ask) her to stay with me.
SPEAKER A: He can't talk to you right now. - SPEAKER B: OK, I will try (try) later.
SPEAKER A: It's too bad that Matt arrived too late to see the final results. - SPEAKER B: Don't worry, I recorded everything with my camera and I will show (show) it to him.
Sophie will not be at our party. She is going (go) to Tom's party instead.
SPEAKER A: Tim went abroad and left no forwarding address. - SPEAKER B: Don't worry, as soon as he settles down, he will write (write) to you first.
I will not answer the emails now, because I am going to work (work) on our project.
SPEAKER A: Sam took really great pictures at the farewell party. Could you ask him for some prints? - SPEAKER B: I don't know Sam, you will have (have) to ask yourself.
pomoże mi ktoś? bardzo proszę
'going to ' to nie jest present continuous.
wszystkie zdania z going to wyraz w present continuous.

poza tym wyglada ok, ale szkoda, ze nie kumasz. Zupelnie losowo wstawiales te rozne formy?
ok, czyli tylko te mam poprawić i reszta jest dobra??
Znaczy się, mniej więcej wiem w jakich sytuacjach się stosuje ale czasem mi się myli wszystko.. ;/
reszta wyglada ok
What about the one with the phone?
ok, super, dzięki wielkie.. juz zrobilem ;)
edytowany przez bugibu: 12 cze 2012
a co z (meet)
będzie I'm meeting Tracy today evening so I cannot be at your place at 6 p.m.
czy I will meet Tracy today evening so I cannot be at your place at 6 p.m.??
wydaje mi sie, ze meeting... :P
I can't give you the phone now. I am talking / will talk ???(talk) with Sam about our project.
chyba talking
Ja bym dal "going to"
"Use Present Continuous or Future Simple."
to po pierwsze, a po drugie
nie mogę ci dac telefonu, bo rozmawiam z kimś.
Ale going to jest FUTURE SIMPLE, aint it?
going to to going to
future simple to czas z will+bezokolicznik
"mg" ma rację..
ja coś zamotałem na początku..
a więc w tych obu przypadkach będzie czas PC z -ing?
Tyle ze ja nie widze sensu w zdaniu gdzie ktos pyta u telefon w trakcie uzywania przez kogos innego.
moze jedna osoba nie widzi tej drugiej, nie widzi, co ona robi
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.