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the invention of the telephone
Prawzorem the phone was. phone nitkowy-type toys known in ancient China; rozmawiano distance using two flat cups and taut between them thin Twine. In 1861 a German teacher Johann Ph. Reis demonstrował Frankfurt invented by telephone, electrical relay correctly regular tony but distort the human speech. The creator of a practical phone electromagnetic was Alexander Graham Bell invented it in 1876 with Thomas a. Watson. You probably know that it is much easier for people to communicate among themselves, but unless not assumed that up to such a degree. Quickly and effectively the invention this replaced the earlier write letters. People preferred to call it, because it was easier, faster and better.
From that point on, focuses mainly on the perfection of the camera phone, that it was not only practical, but also more handy and aesthetic. At the end of the 20th century in the market there are phones, which very quickly accounted for people to taste. The phone was released as fenomenalnym thing that now people don't represent yourself living without him.
In a very short time has won the recognition of millions of people around the world. Thanks to him we already send letters and it is not known how long the czkać message. Just press the number on your keyboard and we connect to the selected person.
We can very quickly tell her about something or about something ask and be sure that this is the knew. Mobile telephony has also short text messages. SMSs sent by telephone, which made niesłychaną furorę especially among young people.
Pra-wzorem (pisownia łączna jest amerykańska)
poza tym ok.
niektóre polskie słowa jak mogę je przetłumaczyć?
Tak zwykle bywa gdy korzystasz z translatora. /zwlaszcza jezeli oryginalny tekst jest z bledami/
Thanks to him we already send letters and it is not known how long the czkać message.
edytowany przez fui_eu: 13 cze 2012
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