Cytat: paulinnan
The sun was shining and the birds were singing when lady Julia called to detective Holmes. She told him that somebody stole her expensive jewerly.
First off, he came to her house and started an investigation in this case. When he wanted left Julia house he found some diffrent tire tracks. Detective went for this trail. Night was coming when he arrived to old factory. He decided to going there, but somebody kidnapped detective when he was opening the door. The kidnapper was tall, strong and looked really dangerouse. But he made some mistake. While he was going to toilet, detective Holmes called to the Police Force and told all the story. They arrived fastly to this strange place and catched zła forma kidnapper.
All the story was had happy ending. Lady Julia recovered her jewerly.
When he wanted left Julia house[/u] podwójna III forma? o co chodzi w tej części zdania? he found some diffrent tire tracks.
Detective went for this trail. znaczy, że podążył za tym śladem? followed this trail
to te chyba najbardziej rażące błędy.