dosłownie 8 zdań do spr

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Byłby ktoś tak miły wytknąć mi błędy w tym krótkim tekście, który mialam przetłumaczyć? Z góry dzięki !

Our house has been painted two years ago. I still remember, how walls were been prepared by painters. Garage has been rebuild , windows have been changed. One Day i will buy paints, which will match to the interior. I think about it for a long time. It could be good idea. Once day grandfather has bought paints to his room and two years later grandmother has decided to take him In marriage. It must be something In this…
Our house was painted two years ago. I still remember how walls were being prepared by the painters. The garage was rebuilt (renovated (?) and the windows were changed. One day I will buy paint which will match the interior. I have been thinking about it for a long time. It could be a good idea. One day my grandfather bought paint for his room and two years later my grandmother decided to marry him (?). There must be something in it.
"wytknąć błędy' to nie znaczy 'poprawić za mnie', prawda?
Autorka pytania więcej nauczyłaby się, gdyby sama musiała poprawić błędy wg wskazowek.

I still remember how (cos tu brak) walls were being prepared by the painters. The garage was rebuilt (renovated (?) and the windows were changed.

Nawet bym odpuscila, gdyby 'poprawki' byly robione bezblednie....ale...
Masz rację - nie zauważyłam braku przedimka. Dziękuję za 'poprawkę' :)


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