Dear Sir/Madam (przecinek)
In a reply to an announcement 'that was' (niepotr) posted on website, I am applying for (cos brak) position in (cos brak) Intern Insurance Consulting Team. 'Moreover' (calkowicie niepasujace slowo tutaj), I would like to add that I am ready and determined 'to be a part of' (cos tu nie tak) recruitment process which 'lead' (popraw) to getting this position in your company.
I consider myself 'as' (niepotr) a person who has the 'right profile' (co to jest? popraw) to do this job. In 'everyday life' (a jakie INNE zycie jest, jak nie everyday?) I am ambitious and I treat each task with full commitment and responsibility. I think that (cos brak) right attitude is a key 'to achieve' (popraw) any goal.
I am aware that every action can 'has' (zle slowo) negative consequences (przecinek) but I am (cos brak) type of person who is able to draw fast and logical conclusions. Learning 'on' (zle slowo) mistakes is one of my characteristics. I am (cos brak) person for 'who' (zle slowo) failure is a big opportunity to improve future actions and behaviours. 'Consistency, assiduity, logical thinking and attention to details make me a person who has an analytical mind' (to zdanie jest pozyczone z innego zrodla - moze i in ne tez sa, ale to jest razace).
Openness for new ideas, meeting different people, sharing and getting information with them 'let' (zle slowo) me be an employee who is capable of absorbing information and knowledge which in my opinion have key importance in (cos brak) successful and modern company.
During my 'study' (zle slowo) and previous jobs I have learned how to be a good team player, interact and cooperate with team members in order to achieve goals and objectives. I find myself 'as' (nie rozumiem uzycia tego slowa tutaj) a good observer which allows me to make fast conclusions and decisions, judge people and adjust to the 'hardest' (zle slowo) situations. Positive thinking is one of my qualities. This kind of attitude makes my life much more easier because even the hardest task 'become' (zle slowo) reachable and worth 'to take' (popraw) a risk. I am (cos brak) cheerful and sociable type but also 'calculated' (zle slowo), calm and critical when (cos brak) situation demands.
I fully understand (cos brak) requirements which you 'established' (zle slowo) to find (cos brak) new intern (przecinek przed 'but') but I realize that understanding only cannot replace real challenges during 'everyday duties' (popraw) connected with (cos brak) work for your company. That is why I 'can’t' (napisz to w calosci) wait for 'a' (zle slowo) moment when I 'will' (zle slowo) be allowed to be a part of (cos brak) highly developing team. I am sure that working for your company will be (cos brak) 'big' (za 'niskie' slowo) pleasure, privilege and I will treat it as an opportunity to fulfill my ambitions.
I look forward to speaking with you (brakuje pare slow tutaj) to discuss my interest in working for you. I appreciate your consideration and thank you for your time.
'Sincerely' (przeciez, jak jest Dear Sir/Madam - to piszemy Yours faithfully, dlaczego Ty akurat chcesz robic inaczej?).
Widac, ze niektore zdania sa pozyczone z innych zrodel.
Aha, a czy dla Ciebie przedimki (a, an, the) to jakas czarna magia? Dlaczego ich nie uzywasz? Czy myslisz, ze Tobie to akurat one nie sa potrzebne?