Sprawdzenie tłumaczenia

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
bardzo proszę o pomoc w sprawdzeniu niniejszego tłumaczenia:
The rapid development and the variety of radio forms allows for the widely understood convergence, giving the space for distinguishing species new forms as well as the evolution and the crystallization primitive. The specificity of radio forms causes, that faithful transferring the literary definition to radio land, it is not possible, because she isn't able to give back of character of the that kind of transmission. Similarly he is in case of comprehending the satire and the satirical character, which transferred to radio land are picking new meaning up. Satirical different, in case of the radio, constitute the multilevel structure which influences character of the transmission. The paper constitutes the attempt to outline the manner of existing of the satire and the satirical character in contemporary radio drama.

Ponieważ mój angielski bardzo zardzewiał skorzystałam z translatora, ale w dalszym ciągu nie wiem czy tekst został poprawnie przełożony. Bardzo proszę o pomoc.
co to jest crystallization primitive?
i species new forms?
Widely understood to znaczy, ze większość osób to rozumie