Sprawdzenia maila do dystrubutora - bardzo prosze !

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Jesli mógłby mi ktos sprawdzić tego maila czy nie popełniłam jakiś wielkich błędów.... byłabym bardzo wdzięczna.

wersja po polsku


Piszę do Państwa w sprawie podkolanówek uciskowych dla mężczyzn (AD MAX LK2 krótka stopa) , które nabywałem w Polsce (firma GER-MED w Krakowie). Niestety dystrybutor zawiesił swoją działalność, w związku z tym mam takie pytania; czy istnieje jakaś firma w Polsce, która sprowadza państwa produkty do naszego kraju, gdzie mógłbym je zamawiać, a jeżeli nie to czy istnieje możliwość zamawiania bezpośrednio w państwa firmie podkolanówek uciskowych i wysyłki do Polski? Bardzo proszę o odpowiedź i pomoc, gdyż używam tych podkolanówek od wielu lat ze względu na moją chorobę, zostały mi one polecone przez lekarza, niestety nie wiem gdzie mogę je teraz dostać. Produkty tego typu innych firm mocno odbiegają jakością a i ze znalezieniem odpowiedniego rozmiaru też jest problem.

po angielsku:

I am writing to enquire about compressive knee socks for men (AD MAX LK2 short foot) to acquire in Poland (GER-MED company in Krakow). Unfortunately, the distributor has suspended its activities thereupon I have the question, whether there is a company in Poland, which import your products to our country, where I could it ordered, and if not, is there a possibility to order directly in your company compression knee-length socks and shipping to Polish? I would appreciate for your help, because I use the knee-highs for many years because of my illness, the doctor recommended me them. Unfortunately, I do not know where I can get them now. Products of this type of third-party quality differ greatly and even finding the right size is also a problem.

I look forward to hearing from you soon.
Poprawiłam troche maila, jeszcze raz prosze bardzo o jego sprawdzenie...

Dear Sir or Madam

I am writing to enquire about compressive knee-length socks for men (AD MAX LK2 short foot) to acquire in Poland (GER-MED company in Krakow). Unfortunately, the distributor has suspended its activities thereupon I have the question. Is there a company in Poland, which import your products to our country, where I could it ordered, and if not, is there a possibility to order directly in your company compression knee-length socks and shipping to Polish? I would appreciate for your help, because I use the knee-length socks for many years by reason of my illness, my doctor recommended me them. Unfortunately, I do not know, where I can get them now. Products in this type, other companies, greatly vary in quality and finding the right size is also a problem.

I look forward to hearing from you soon.
..which I used to purchase in Poland from GER-MED...
activities kropka. Could you please advise me if there are any other outlets for your products in Poland where I could order compressive socks or if it is possible to order directly from your company. I would very much appreciate your help since I have been using the knee-length socks for many years as recommended by my doctor on account of my health condition. Socks offered by other companies are inferior in quality and finding the right size has also been a problem.
I look forward...
Kind regards,

imie nazwisko
Dear Sir or Madam

I am writing to enquire about compressive knee-length socks for men (AD MAX LK2 short foot) which I used to purchase in Poland from GER-MED company in Krakow.
Unfortunately, the distributor has suspended its activities. Could you please advise me if there are any other outlets for your products in Poland where I could order compressive socks or if it is possible to order it directly from your company and shipping to Polish? I would appreciate for your help, since I have been using the knee-length socks for many years as recommended by my doctor on account of my health condition. Socks offered by other companies are inferior in quality and finding the right size has also been a problem..

Kind regards,
imie nazwisko

Dziękuje ślicznie mg za odpowiedź, czy teraz jest ok?

I look forward to hearing from you soon.
usun 'and shipping to polish' to chyba jasne, ze nie przyjedziesz po nie.
zdanie z appreciate jest złe. Nie podoba się moje?

I look forward jest w zlym miejscu
No własnie nie dokońca jasne bo email jest pisany do firmy niemieckiej, dlatego tez się zastanawiam czy nie lepiej aby jednak było wspomniane o tej wysyłce.
appreciate zmieniłam...

Dear Sir or Madam

I am writing to enquire about compressive knee-length socks for men (AD MAX LK2 short foot) which I used to purchase in Poland from GER-MED company in Krakow.
Unfortunately, the distributor has suspended its activities. Could you please advise me if there are any other outlets for your products in Poland where I could order compressive socks or if it is possible to order it directly from your company and shipping to Polish? I would very much appreciate your help, since I have been using the knee-length socks for many years as recommended by my doctor on account of my health condition. Socks offered by other companies are inferior in quality and finding the right size has also been a problem.

I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Kind regards,
imie nazwisko

mam nadzieję, że teraz jest ok i mogę wysyłać? :)
and have them shipped to Poland
ok, jeszcze raz dziękuję mg za pomoc ;)
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