Verb+to-infinitive or -ing? Prośba o sprawdzenie zadania.

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Witam serdecznie :).
Proszę o sprawdzenie czy dobrze zrobiłem zadanie.
Treść zadania: Complete these sentences in any appropriate way using either the to-infinitive or the -ing form of the verb in brackets. If both forms are possible, give them both.
(To co jest po nawiasie to moja wersja zdania)

1. When the car broke down, she started ... (push) pushing it.
2. Here's the money I owe you. I meant (give) to give it back.
3. To lose weight, I'd advise you (cut out) to cut out fast food from your diet.
4. I found that my back stopped... when... (ache) tutaj nie mam pojęcia co wpisać, jakaś wskazówka?
5. To help me get to sleep, I tried (think) to think about something nice
6. The orchestra was just beginning (play) to play music.
7. Please don't hesitate (call) calling me.
8. When he found that he couldn't walk, he began (shout) shouting for help.
9. The handle came off when I tried (lift) to lift it up.
10. You could see the doctor today but as you haven't got an appointment it would mean (wait) to wait a while.

Niestety nie bardzo rozumiem kiedy używać to-infinitive a kiedy -ing, więc robię to dość intuicyjnie. Ciężko mi zrozumieć te zasady.

Z góry dziękuję za pomoc.
1 obie
4 wstaw ten czasownik po stopped
5 obie
7 inf
8 obie
10 ger

ucz sie na pamiec, intuicja nie pomaga
Dziękuję, poprawiłem. Jak mam się na pamięć nauczyć tego? Mam jakieś tabelki po czym -ing a po czym to+invinitive, a do tego zasady. To wszystko na pamięć?

Complete the sentences with one of these verbs and, if necessary, an appropriate object, as in 1. If it is possible to have an object or no object, include an object but write it in brackets, as in 2.
Słowa do wyboru: denied, found, heard, imagined, missed, put off, watched
(2 przykładowe, od 3 już sam robiłem)
1. Through the bedroom window, I SPOTTED MY SISTER leaving the house.
2. I REMEMBERED (HIM) borrowing the book, but not returning it.
3. The evidence seemed overwhelming, but Mason DENIED committing the murder.
4. We can't PUT OFF buying a new car any longer. The one we've got now just doesn't start in the morning.
5. We searched the house, and eventually missed reading a book in her bedroom.
6. I HEARD SOMEONE calling my name, so I went outside to see who was there.
7. I closed my eyes and IMAGINED lying on a deserted beach in the sunshine.
8. As the sun set, we FOUND appearing in the sky. O co chodzi w tym zdaniu? Jak słońce wzeszło, my zobaczyliśmy je na niebie?
9. Mark was a good guitarist, and after he went home we HEARD HIM playing in the garden in the evenings.
5 inny czasownik, dopelnienie koniecznie
8 zachodzilo, inny czasownik, dopelnienie
9 inny czasownik, nie mozesz 2x uzyc hear
Dziękuję za pomoc. Poprawiłem, ale nie wiem czy dobrze.

5. We searched the house, and eventually FOUND HER reading a book in her bedroom.
8. As the sun set, we MISSED IT appearing in the sky.
9. Mark was a good guitarist, and after he went home we WATCHED HIM playing in the garden in the evenings.

Bill Brown was arrested for stealing a car. Here are some of his answers to questions during his trial. Report what he said with the verbs given + an -ing form.
Słowa do wyboru: consider, deny, notice, recall, regret
"Yes, I was certainly in town around midnight... I saw two men looking into all the parked cars... now you mention it, I think I did hear a car being driven away... I didn't think about telling the police... I certainly didn't steal the car... I wish I hadn't gone out that night!"
Which of your sentences could be rewritten with having + past pariciple with little difference in meaning? Tu nie wiem, które móglbym zastąpić.

Example: He admitted being in town arround midnight.
I teraz moje (pierwsze przepisałem z example):
2. He noticed sawing two men looking into all parked cars.
3. Tutaj nie wiem, jakaś wskazówka?
4. He didn't considered about telling the police.
5. He denied stealing the car.
6. He regreted going out that night.

Consider which verb form is more likely and why.
(wielkimi literami to co wybrałem)
1. I heard the baby cry / CRYING for most of the night. Wybrałem to, ponieważ to się powtarzało przez część nocy.
2. I felt the snake BITE / biting me and saw it slither off into the bushes. Wybrałem to, ponieważ stało się to tylko raz.
3. When you came out of the station, did you notice the children play / PLAYING musical instruments across the street? Wybrałem to, ponieważ osoba widziała tylko część tego, a nie całość.
4. I noticed her quickly SLIP / slipping the necklace inside her coat and leave the shop. Wybrałem to, ponieważ widział całe zdarzenie, od początku do końca.

edytowany przez TheWitcher: 06 paź 2012
8 i 9 odwrotnie. przeciez ten gitarzysta sie wyprowadzil

39. 2 po pierwsze powtorz simple past
po drugie 'he noticed sawing' = zauwazyl piłowanie

1 nie plakalo caly czas
2 tak, ale nie dlatego, ze stalo sie tylko raz
3 ok, nie czekal az skonczyly grac
4 tak
dlaczego nie LEAVING w #4?
po widzial, ze wyszla, a nie wychodzila.
poza tym sa tam opisane dwa zdarzenia: slip i leave. Jasne, ze jedno nastapilo po drugim. W takich przypadkach tylko infinitive
Dziękuję, poprawiłem 39.2
He NOTICED two men looking into all parked cars.
He REACALLED HEARING a car being driven away.
He didn't CONSIDERED about telling the police.
He DENIED stealing the car.
He REGRETED going out that night.

A co do tego zdania
1. I heard the baby cry / CRYING for most of the night.
To mam w tabelce taki przykład na -ing form
'Did you hear those dogs barking most of the night? To tym się kierowałem.

W 2 zdaniu o tym wężu to dlatego bare infinitive, bo on nie widział całego zdarzenia tylko jego część.
edytowany przez TheWitcher: 07 paź 2012
w zdaniu z consider zla forma czasownika
w zdaniu z regret brakuje literki w czasownikku

crying ok
wąż 'bite' dlatego, że BYŁ swiadkiem calosci. Potem jest opisana nastepna czynnosc (slither), a wiec pierwsza musiala sie zakonczyc. Jak masz kilka czynnosci jedna po drugiej, wstawiaj infinitive
Dlaczego zła forma czasownika? W każdym zdaniu ma być chyba z -ed, więc wpisałem considered. Regretted, 2t, poprawiłem.

4. Complete these sentences with to be, being, to have or having.
1. I'm supposed TO BE studying today, but I'm too tired from not TO HAVE slept all last night.
2. You wouldn't like TO HAVE been living here during the war, with bombs falling and people BEING killed every day.
3. The original tower is believed TO HAVE been constructed in 1810. It has always had structural problems from not HAVING been built on more solid ground.
4. The cleaners want TO HAVE finished their work in this room before they leave today because there are another two rooms on the second floor that have TO BE done tomorrow.
didn't consider

2. from + gerund, po prepositions tylko gerund (albo zwykly rzeczownik)
reszta ok
forma czasownika jest okay, ale tam nie wystepuje about po consider, tylko od razu czasownik w formie -ing
no tak, to także
a chodzilo o czasownik considered, ktory byl zly - no fakt
didn't consider (nie didn't considered)
Ok, dziękuję, poprawiłem.

Write a new sentence with the same meaning, containing the word in capitals.

1. The burglars jumped out of the window so they weren't caught. AVOID
The burglars jumped out of the window so they AVOID to be caught.
2. People think Ulysses is Joyce's greatest work. CONSIDERED
People CONSIDERED Ulysses is Joyce's greatest work.
3. They intend reaching the mountains by the end of the week. PLANNING
They are PLANNING to reaching the mountains by the end of the week.
4. I don't like wasting time watching television. PREFER
I don't PREFER wasting time watching television.
5. Would you like to go skating on Friday? FANCY
Would you FANCY to go skating on Friday?
6. We can't continue to ignore this problem. GO ON
We can't GO ON to ignore this problem.
7. My parents didn't allow me to stay out late. LET
My parents didn't let me to stay out late.
1 zly czas avoid a potem gerund - dlaczego nie sprawdziles w jakims wykazie?
2 zla skladnia, poza tym dlaczego conisdered jest w czasie przeszlym? Czy PEOPLE bylo podane jako pierwsze slowo w zdaniu wynikowym?
3 po plan jest infinitive
4 nieee, wyrzuc wasting time i znajdz, co sie uzywa po prefer
5 j.w. sprawdz konstrukcje
6 j.w.
Albo czekaj, aż jakis frajer poprawi to za Ciebie
Dziękuję za wskazówki, właśnie taka pomoc jest najlepsza a nie gotowe napisanie jak jest poprawnie :). Przepraszam jeśli Cię zdenerwowałem swoją niewiedzą, ale mam problemy z zadaniami tego typu mimo, że czytałem już zasady.
Poprawiłem, ale nie wiem czy dobrze

1. The burglars jumped out of the window so they AVOID being caught. Zły czas? Początku zdania nie zmieniam, dopiero po avoid dodaje -ing do be.
2. zastępuję think słowem consider a reszta bez zmian, nie może tak być? People CONSIDER Ulysses is Joyce's greatest work. Dlaczego zła składnia? Ludzie rozważają tą pracę za jego najlepszą. Czy brakuje 'are' między people a consider?
3. They are PLANNING to reach the mountains by the end of the week.
4. 'Both the infinitive and the gerund are correct after prefer: I prefer to walk/walking. One of them may sound better in a given context.' Ale to wasting time chyba musi pozostać w zdaniu żeby miało ono to samo znaczenie. Jak napiszę 'I don't PREFER watching television' to będzie źle, więc dodałem wasting time po prefer.
5. Znalazłem, że fancy jest w liście Verbs followed by the gerund czyli 'Would you fancy going skating on Friday?'
6. Znalazłem dwa przykłady 'Wherever you are, go on to read the next chapter. (= Continue with the next chapter.)
Go on reading the article. (= Continue reading the article.)' Czyli wzorując się na pierwszym 'We can't GO ON to ignore this problem' chyba, że przy przeczeniach jest inna konstrukcja, ale o tym nic nie znalazłem
7. Tutaj mam użyć bare infinitive czyli 'My parents didn't LET me stay out late.
Jak teraz?
nie bylem zdenerwowany niewiedza, tylko lenistwem - sa materialy o gerund i infinitive, mnostwo ich jest, tylko trzeba poszukac

1. avoided
albo in order to avoid
2 nie moze tak byc. Mowi sie consider somebody something
3 ok
4 I prefer not to watch television
5 ok
6 go on to do sth = start doing sth new
go on doing sth = continue doing the same
znalazles niefortunny przyklad, w ktorym continue znaczy 'przejdz', a nie 'kontynuuj'.
7 ok
2. People CONSIDER Joyce's Ulysses as his greatest work.
6. We can't continue to ignore this problem. GO ON Nie możemy kontynuować ignorowania tego problemu mam zamienić na coś w rodzaju 'nie możemy zacząć robić czegoś nowego dopóki nie rozwiążemy tego problemu'? Czy może go on w tym kontekście znaczy 'nie możemy trwać w ignorowaniu tego problemu? W słowniku mam ' trwać dalej, być kontynuowanym' czyli 'We can't go on ignoring this problem.

Complete the sentences with either a to-infinitive or an -ing form. Choose an appropriate verb. Sometimes more than one verb is possible.

admire, buy, enjoy, introduce, live, notify, put, race, say, smoke, spend, talk, tell, tear, turn down.

(to między _____ to moja propozycja)

Although it was hard at first, she came to enjoy working for the airline. (example)
As I walked through the gate, the dog came_racing_towards me.
After working with her for so long, I came _to admire__her patience and efficiency.
Yesterday, Tom was so late he came_racing_downstairs, grabbed a cup of coffee and left.
The children were shouting and screaming, but he went on _talking_to Frank.
We tried her to persuade to stop, but she just goes on__to smoke/spend_.
Dr. Honey welcomed the members of the committee and went on_to_introduce_the subject of the meeting.
Then, in her letter, she goes on __telling__that most of her family have been ill.
I regret __to tell__ you that the model you want is out of the stock.
We regret__to tell__you that your request for the tax fund has been rejected.
Almost as soon as I had posted the letter, I regretted _turning down___the job.
It cost me a fortune, but I don regret _spending_a year travelling around the world.
Alex was very young when they left, and he could no longer remember __living_ in the house.
Did you remember _buying__ a newspaper on the way home?
Remember __to put___your answer before handing in your exam paper.
I remember __putting_____ the money in the top drawer, but it's not there now.
1 bez 'as'
2 tak, go on ignoring = dalej ignorować

z paleniem papierosow - ona dalej pali,. wersja z spend bylaby niedokonczona - wydawac co?
zdanie z listem - then=nastepnie, a wiec ona przechodzi do nowej czynnosci
kupowanie gazety - to buy

reszta ok
Tak patrzę na to zadanie i chyba każdy verb musi być wykorzystany. Zgodnie z treścią zadania
Complete the sentences with either a to-infinitive or an -ing form. Choose an appropriate verb. Sometimes more than one verb is possible.
Więcej niż jeden verb jest możliwy, ale nie jest napisane, że można kilka zostawić.

Tak ułożyłem teraz, żeby każdy wykorzystać enjoy admire smoke (tu by to nawet pasowało, ale wtedy 6 jest dziwne)
6.spending 'goes on spending' to jest chyba jakiś ciąg, że nie może przestać, więc miałoby to jakiś sens 'goes on spending spree' znajduje takie frazy w artykułach. Co sądzisz? introduce say tell notify / in notifying
11.turning down
12.spending buy put
16. putting

There is at least one mistake in each sentence. Suggest appropriate corrections.

1. She longed the holidays to come so that she could be with her family again. waited
She WAITED the holidays to come so that she could be with her family again.

2. I overheard say that he is thinking of moving to Manchester. saying
I overheard SAYING that he is thinking of moving to Manchester

3. They were seen climb throught the window. saw
They were SAW climb throught the window.

4. My parents always encouraged work hard at school.
My parents always encouraged TO WORK hard at school.

5. I watched a pavement artist to draw a portrait in crayons.
I watched a pavement artist drawing a portrait in crayons.

6. Sam promised me to show me how to fish for salmon, but he never had the time.
Sam promised to show me how to fish for salmon, but he never had time. Bez 'me' i bez 'the'

7. It's easier to do it yourself than to explain to somebody else how to do it.
It's easier to do it yourself than explain to somebody else how to do it. bez 'to' przed explain

8. He was never heard say 'thank you' in his life.
He was never heard SAYING 'thank you' in his life.

9. This card entitles to take an extra person with you free.
This card entitles TAKING an extra person with you free.

10. They let me to borrow their car while they were on holiday.
They let me BORROW their car while they were on holiday.
sorry, nie ponumerowales zdan wczesniej, teraz sie mozna pogubic

nie da sie powiedziec goes no spending, bo nie wiemy, co wydaje, o tym juz pisalem
w zdaniu z listem trzeba uzyc saying, nie zauwazylem tego wczesniej
reszta niech zajma sie inni

37.2 nie da sie wstawic tych slow podanych po prawej bez wprowadzania dalszych zmian
Ok, dziękuję bardzo za pomoc :).
Cytat: TheWitcher
6.spending 'goes on spending' to jest chyba jakiś ciąg, że nie może przestać, więc miałoby to jakiś sens 'goes on spending spree' znajduje takie frazy w artykułach. Co sądzisz?

goes on spending spree to nie to samo, co goes on spending money on clothes, na przyklad - spending spree to jest wyrazenie rzeczownikowe, cos jak szalenstwo zakupow, tamte on to przyimek, a nie to-infinitive
As I walked through the gate, the dog came_racing_towards me. OK
After working with her for so long, I came _to admire__her patience and efficiency. OK
Yesterday, Tom was so late he came_racing_downstairs, grabbed a cup of coffee and left. OK
The children were shouting and screaming, but he went on _talking_to Frank.OK
We tried {} to persuade {her} to stop, but she just goes on__{smoking}_. (pali dalej, a nie zaczyna palic dalej)
Dr. Honey welcomed the members of the committee and went on_to_introduce_the subject of the meeting. OK
Then, in her letter, she goes on __{to tell}__that most of her family have been ill. (raczej przechodzi do opowiadania, anizeli dalej opowiada)
I regret __to tell__ you that the model you want is out of {} stock. OK
We regret__to tell__you that your request for the tax fund has been rejected. OK
Almost as soon as I had posted the letter, I regretted _turning down___the job. OK
It cost me a fortune, but I {don't} regret _spending_a year travelling around the world. OK
Alex was very young when they left, and he could no longer remember __living_ in the house. OK
Did you remember _{to buy}__ a newspaper on the way home? (czy pamietales, aby kupic gazete, raczej nie czy pamietales, jak kupowales gazete)
Remember __to put___your answer before handing in your exam paper. OK
I remember __putting_____ the money in the top drawer, but it's not there now. OK
engee30 dziękuję Ci bardzo za pomoc :).

Report these sentences using one of these verbs and a to-infinitive. Use each verv once only.
agree, encourage, invite, order, promise, volunteer, warn

1. You really should continue the course.
He encouraged me to continue the course.

2. I'll phone you soon.
He promised to phone me soon.

3. Okay, I'll come with you.
He agreed to come with me.

4. Stop the car!
He ordered me to stop the car.

5. Would you like to go out for dinner?
He invited me to go out for dinner.

6. I'll work late at the weekend.
He volunteered to work late at the weekend.

7. Don't go out without an umbrella.
He warned me not to go out without an umbrella.
wszystko okay :O
1. She longed {for} the holidays to come so that she could be with her family again.
2. I overheard {him} say that he is (w przypadku zastosowania zasad reported speech - uzycie was) thinking of moving to Manchester.
3. They were seen {to} climb through the window.
4. My parents always encouraged {me/us to} work hard at school.
5. I watched a pavement artist {drawing} a portrait in crayons.
6. Sam promised {} to show me how to fish for salmon, but he never had the time.
7. It's easier to do it yourself than {explaining} to somebody else how to do it. ???
8. He was never heard {to} say 'thank you' in his life.
9. This card entitles {you} to take an extra person with you free.
10. They let me {} borrow their car while they were on holiday.
Wow, aż niemożliwe :D.

If possible, rewrite these sentences using the possessive form of the object, as in 1. If it is not possible, write X.
1. (przykładowe zdanie) I disaproved of him smoking in the house.
I disapproved of his smoking...

2. We discovered the children hiding the chocolates under their beds. X

3. The plan envisages Tony becoming Director next year.
The plan envisages Tony's becoming Director next year

4. If the authorities catch anyone breaking the rules, the punishment is severe. X

5. I could imagine the car failing its annual inspection. X tu nie może być, to dodanie 's jest tylko dla ludzi i grup ludzi, a to jest rzecz

6. We objected to the company building a petrol station in our road. X

7. It amuses me to think of him sitting at a desk in a suit and tie.
It amuses me to think of his sitting at a desk in a suit and tie.

8. My mother disapproved of the cat sleeping in my bedroom. X

A to zadanie 'She longed...' źle zrozumiałem. Dziękuję za pomoc.
edytowany przez TheWitcher: 07 paź 2012
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
1-30 z 33
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