the greenhouse effect

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Read the text below and look carefully at each line. In most of the lines there is one word not necessary, a word that does not fit grammatically. Write this unwanted word on the right. If a line is correct, put a tick (V). The first two are given as examples.

1this week in Kyoto in Japan the latest conference
2 in the environment is being taking place. The whole
3. world is today watching to see what happens
4. as delegates from more than 165 countries discuss
5. what measures need not to be taken to reduce the
6. fumes that do create the Greenhouse Effect. They
7. are hope to agree on ways of reducing the amount
8. of carbon dioxide and other gases that we
9. send into the atmosphere. These gases to act the way a
10. greenhouse does and, as a result, the Earth is
11. be getting hotter and hotter all the time. The
12. temperature it is rising gradually and
13. in 100 years' time the Earth will be hotter by about 4°C.
14. The problem is be getting worse as more cars
15. are make an appearance on our already crowded roads.
16. The solution in Kyoto is depends on what the United States,
17. the most powerful nation on Earth, feels is in its interests.
1.OK, 2. being 3. today, 4ok, 5 ok . 6.ok 7 are. 8.ok 9 to 10 ok 11. be 12 ok, 13 ok 14 be 15 are, 16 is 17 is

z góry dzieki za sprawdzenie i danie rad:)
'what measures need not to be taken to reduce the fumes'. Ja tu bym usunal dwa nawet. Nie mowi sie THE fumes, fumes, chyba, ze znaczy to 'te spaliny'. fumes = spaliny, ogolnie.
= jakie srodki nie musza byc powziete, aby zredukowac... wiec 'not' tez do usuniecia.
the latest conference ON the environment
5 not, (the) 6 do 12 it w 17 OK.

The solution in Kyoto is depends on what the United States,
17. the most powerful nation on Earth, feels is in its interests. Rozwiazanie w Kyoto zalezy od tego, co Stany Zjednoczone, najwieksze mocarstwo na swiecie, uznaje za lezace w jego interesie - w wolnym tlumaczeniu
poczekaj na inne komenty, gdyz ja spieszac sie, przeczytalem to pobieznie.
p.s. tlumacz sobie najpierw na polski, potem sprawdzaj slowa po ang.
edytowany przez grudziu: 10 paź 2012
>>Nie mowi sie THE fumes, fumes, chyba, ze znaczy to 'te spaliny'. fumes = spaliny, ogolnie.

'The' ma byc. Jest tutaj z powodu zdania 'that create the Greenhouse Effect'.
Mowi sie kiedy trzeba
aaa, poniewaz 'the identity is established by postmodification'

The wines of France are the best in the world.

Dobrze to rozumiem?

W jednej ksiazce autor nazwal to 'forward-pointing use of the' czy jakos tak.
edytowany przez grudziu: 10 paź 2012
tu mamy : ' the fumes that create the Greenhouse Effect' - konkretne spaliny. got it.

dzieki Sav za 'otwarcie oczu'.
edytowany przez grudziu: 10 paź 2012
ja znalazlam jeszcze
6. do
12 it
Cytat: terri
ja znalazlam jeszcze
6. do
12 it

it's been already mentioned above.
i 9 zle. bez to
edytowany przez boy123: 10 paź 2012
#1 nie jest OK.
w #2 tez powinno byc on the environment. chyba

@fui eu dlaczego #1 nie jest OK?
Za duzo przyimkow.
Cytat: fui_eu
Za duzo przyimkow.

that is?
OK, moze znowu BrE robi tu roznice, ale u nas bym napisal Kyoto, Japan ...
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.