Dwa krótkie paragrafy (po około 100 słów każdy).

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Witam. Proszę o sprawdzenie dwóch krótkich paragrafów.

1. My favorite place to relax.

Every time when I feel upset or tired, (z przecinkiem, czy bez?) I go to the (tutaj ‘the’ a nie ‘a’, bo piszę o konkretnym lesie, tak?) forest near my house which is my favorite place to relax. (Dobry topic sentence? Wystarczy jedno zdanie?)
When I am inside the forest (według mnie głupio to brzmi, jak mogę to zmienić? Chodzi mi to o, że jak zejdę z drogi i wejdę do lasu to od razu czuję się lepiej) I feel much better instantly. My dog is with me always when I go to a forest, because I prefer strolling with him (it?) than alone. Another great thing is fresh air, when it is combined with birds tweet and rustle of trees I feel so relaxed, and (potrzebny przecinek?) I can organize my thoughts. (‘ułożyć’ myśli w głowie, uporządkować sprawy, które mnie męczą itp. może tak być?) In the forest I can escape (to słowo bardziej pasowałoby do ucieczki z więzienia raczej, niż do ucieczki od codziennych hałasów, jakie inne słowo mogę użyć? Może ‘run away’?) from everyday noises (należałoby wypisać jakie dokładnie hałasy mam na myśli, czy tak może zostać?) which annoy me. When I want to relax in every season, I go to the forest.

Tutaj jest napisane bez pytań w nawiasach, żeby się wygodniej czytało:

Every time when I feel upset or tired, I go to the forest near my house which is my favorite place to relax. When I am inside the forest I feel much better instantly. My dog is with me always when I go to a forest, because I prefer strolling with him than alone. Another great thing is fresh air, when it is combined with birds tweet and rustle of trees I feel so relaxed, and I can organize my thoughts. In the forest I can escape from everyday noises which annoy me. When I want to relax in every season, I go to the forest.

2. Interesting city.

I have visited many interesting cities in my life, but Dubrovnik engraved in my mind forever. (Dobry topic sentence? Wystarczy jedno zdanie na wstęp?) In 1979, the city of Dubrovnik joined the UNESCO list of World Heritage Sites. There is beautiful Sponza Palace which is the finest Renaissance highlight in this city. Another interesting monument is the Assumption Cathedral which is the seat of the Diocese of Dubrovnik, it is really beautiful inside and outside. There is also the Dubrovnik Summer Festival which is held every year between 10 July and 25 August, it has a rich programme of classical music, theatre, opera and dance performances. Every time when someone ask me about some interesting city, I say about Dubrovnik.

Z góry dziękuję za pomoc :).
edytowany przez TheWitcher: 21 paź 2012
Mógłby ktoś zerknąć? Mam to na jutro i zależy mi na wskazaniu błędów.


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