Proszę o sprawdzenie

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Proszę o sprawdzenie błędów w opisie przedstawiającym podstawowe metody ochrony komputera.

Below is a description of the basic guidelines, principles and rules for protecting a computer.
The most important things you can do to keep your computer safe is to install and maintain anti-virus software, which protect your operating system from viruses, Backdoors/Trojans, worms and spyware. To keep your computer safe from the latest and newly released viruses it is important to anti-virus software and download latest virus definitions. Make sure you have it set to update daily or more frequently. Also, keeping you an operating system up to date is vital. Updates can come in the form of general bug fixes, feature enhancements, and security fixes, and it’s so easy to do there is no excuse not to. It's important to remember that regularly backing up your data on removable/external disk or network reduces the stress and other negative consequences that result from losing important information. And we should remember create/pick very strong password and keep them private. Never share your password, even with family, friends or other people. Also, you should change your passwords periodically, ideally at least every one months. This is a good practice since you can to ensure the security of your e-mail, computer account. You can use a unique human features for enhance security their data. Your fingerprints are not only unique, but they're also very hard to fake. Also, use your fingerprint to unlock an access to important and secret files, data and e-mails. And you need to remember that you must have a fingerprint scanner's.
Take my words of advice, avoid the misery of data loss.

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You can use firewall, too. A firewall is responsible for analyzing the incoming and outgoing data from your network connection. It decides to allow or deny packets to be sent or receive. That's how you can to assure high security.

Naprawdę bardzo proszę o sprawdzenie lub przynajmniej o zaznaczenie błędów.