
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
For all these reasons I believe I would have a lot of contribution acquitting myself well of my duties. czy takie zdanie jest poprawne?
For all these reasons, I believe I would have much to contribute and would certainly acquit myself well of my duties.

Czesty, formalny zwrot, ktorego warto sie na pamiec nauczyc.
For all these reasons, I believe I would have much to contribute and would certainly 'acquit myself well' (zle prosze poprawic) of my duties.

Cytat: terri
For all these reasons, I believe I would have much to contribute and would certainly 'acquit myself well' (zle prosze poprawic) of my duties.

It's collocation, my dear. http://oald8.oxfordlearnersdictionaries.com/dictionary/acquit+

I don't have either wish nor want to argue with you. I am fed up with arguing. Stop spiting me, please.
edytowany przez grudziu: 05 lis 2012
It's collocation, my dear. http://oald8.oxfordlearnersdictionaries.com/dictionary/acquit+

I don't have either wish nor want to argue with you. I am fed up with arguing. Stop spiting me, please.

O czym ty w ogole mowisz. To jest zle, Nie rozumiesz jak to ma byc, i znowu chcesz mi udowodnic, ze wiesz lepiej. To, ze masz inna, (czy nawet bledna) opinie, nie znaczy, ze ja mam jakakolwiek ochote z toba 'arguing'. Ty wiesz swoje, ja swoje - tylko ja wiem, co jest zle a co nie. Ty jeszcze tego nie rozumiesz. z
Cytat: terri
It's collocation, my dear. http://oald8.oxfordlearnersdictionaries.com/dictionary/acquit+

I don't have either wish nor want to argue with you. I am fed up with arguing. Stop spiting me, please.

O czym ty w ogole mowisz. To jest zle, Nie rozumiesz jak to ma byc, i znowu chcesz mi udowodnic, ze wiesz lepiej. To, ze masz inna, (czy nawet bledna) opinie, nie znaczy, ze ja mam jakakolwiek ochote z toba 'arguing'. Ty wiesz swoje, ja swoje - tylko ja wiem, co jest zle a co nie. Ty jeszcze tego nie rozumiesz. z

too formal for this kind of letter.
Cytat: mg
too formal for this kind of letter.

It should (even must) be formal when you write a CV or covering letter.
I’ve been thinking about something, you know. I’ve been in a dither about telling you that but since we’re on friendly terms, I think it’s my moral obligation to pick you up on this. That’s what friends are for, after all, “innit”?

>I don't have either wish nor want to argue with you

There’s a correlative pair ‘ either ... or’, and a further one like ‘ neither .. nor’. Ring any bells? Not a good idea to lump them all together.
And remember , this comes from your friend. No doubletalk on my part, swear God. You don’t need to blow a fuse right off the bat,ok.

For all these reasons I believe I would have a lot of contribution acquitting myself well of my duties.
czyli to jest źle?

For all these reasons, I believe I would have much to contribute and would certainly 'acquit myself well' (zle prosze poprawic) of my duties

terii a fulfil bedzie dobrym słowem?

too formal for this kind of letter.

MG w jaki inny sposób mógłbym to zapisać?
Yeah, chum:). We're friends and I hope it will be so for good and all. You've continued to keep a tight rein on my poor, compared to yours, English. You're a decent sort of chap. Forget the past. It's time for me to fess up. I was just behaving like a ...hmnn dumbo? Yeah, that's what I wanted to say, and I am not degrading myself. I'm only being self-critical here.

'fulfil' pasuje. 'Do' tez moze byc. Moze panowie wymysla cos lepszego;)
For all these reasons I believe I would have a lot of contribution acquitting myself well of my duties.

grudziu z Twojej wypowiedzi mógłbym śmiało stwierdzić, że zdanie to jest błędne. mógłbys mi wytłumaczyc na czym ten błąd polega?
>>I was just behaving like a ...hmnn dumbo?

It's ok buddy, nobody is perfect.:)

@ethan ( like 'Hawke'?:)

Maybe they don't want you to contribute or whatever. How do you know? Maybe they just want you to do what you're told. Put it in plain English. Stop the sentence on 'contrinbute' and round it out with starting something like '. I would love the opportunity to meet in person ( or 'to be interviewed) to tell you why I believe I am a great match for this ..or ' I may be the candidate you are looking for..
Maybe you won't land the job but do you think they would resist inviting you there to talk after reading these few lines?
edytowany przez savagerhino: 05 lis 2012
Cytat: ethan123
For all these reasons I believe I would have a lot of contribution acquitting myself well of my duties.

grudziu z Twojej wypowiedzi mógłbym śmiało stwierdzić, że zdanie to jest błędne. mógłbys mi wytłumaczyc na czym ten błąd polega?

To zdanie z podrecznika. Nauczylem sie go na pamiec, kiedy uczylem sie do matury. Mozesz wygogolowac. Jest poprawne. Tylko forumowicze uwazaja, ze jest za formalne.

Może zrob jak pisze Sav, napisz prosciej.
ps. pisalem o moim zdaniu. Ci chodzilo o Twoje tak, ?
Sorki, ze duzo pracy mentalnej.:D
if 'Hawke' gets the job, I want 10 % of his fisrt 'kickback'.
ps. pisalem o moim zdaniu. Ci chodzilo o Twoje tak, ?

tak o moje zdanie, czy jest poprawne, czy nie.:) pytanie nadal aktualne.

tak propozycja Sav jest bardzo dobra:)
sav to jest moja praca domowa:P
Cytat: ethan123
sav to jest moja praca domowa:P

Szkoda:) Bede misial znwo kupowac felgi (19) za swoje, haha
Cytat: savagerhino
if 'Hawke' gets the job, I want 10 % of his fisrt 'kickback'.

awesomely good text, haha.
Cytat: grudziu
Cytat: savagerhino
if 'Hawke' gets the job, I want 10 % of his fisrt 'kickback'.

awesomely good text, haha.

Nah, they call it a zinger.
Anyway, you're good at getting off a few good ones:).
edytowany przez grudziu: 05 lis 2012
I get that a lot. And that's what you get fighting welfare 'obamanoids' either, here and there. BTW, I've got to roll now to twist some arms. There's a lot of 'entertainment' in the offing. Hope the mormon gets the 'job'.
edytowany przez savagerhino: 05 lis 2012
Cytat: savagerhino
. Hope the mormon gets the 'job'.

Why hasn't the mormon released how much dinero he came into? In my view, mormons are sectarians, and I'm not brainwashed, despite the fact I'm not completely au fait with American culture.

Clinton, Reagan...I suppose America won't ever have such presidents...

Last time I saw a debate between candidates for the presidency and all of a sudden, the man who was the host of the programme put his foot in it saying 'Obama bin Laden', which I suppose brought down the house amongst Romney's supporters. haha...
Brainwashed? Maybe a little bit. But it’s not your fault. Romney released two yeras of his tax returns. That’s enough.That was when this low-life empty suit socialist crook Reid jumped on his throat, trying to give Romney a bad time. Everybody moved on, basically leaving Reid running off at the mouth in the gutter.
And POTUS has never released his college records and applications even when Trump offerred 5 mil to the charity of Obama’s choice. How does that work for you? This community college socialist should be impeached right away ( too late now) for this Bengazi cover-up alone, not to mention the dream act scam and solar kickbacks to his minions. He was basically ‘raised’ on Bill Ayer’s rhetoric. They were close friends. Just read what this latter pinko was up to and you’ll get the picture where his then-and-now ‘heavy-breather’ may get you to.


The choice here is not between mormonism and obamanism but naked radical marxist socialism
(technically ‘communism’) and capitalism.
This is not about the color of his skin or his ‘naturally born status’ ( the birther issie is not the issue here at all). This is about his politics.




edytowany przez savagerhino: 06 lis 2012
>>>And POTUS has never released his college records and applications even when Trump offerred 5 mil to the charity of Obama’s choice. How does that work for you?

First, in the political world, you're really with it, you know it much better than I do. I can be a little brainwashed then, because I am being given not necessarily true information.
How does it work for me? It's nothing like as good as it was told it would be, as a rule of thumb.
I will need to acquaint myself with Bill Ayer's politics, because the name, to my surprise, doesn't ring a bell to me. I will read carefully every link recommended.
and...thanks bud for keeping me updated.
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