Bardzo proszę o sprawdzenie różnych pytań

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Witam. Bardzo proszę o sprawdzenie takich (koszmarków) Pytań.

1.Ile razy przyszli tu w ciągu ostatniego tygodnia?
How many timer did they come here during last week?

2. Kto nie musiał ostatnio niczego robić?
Who didn't have to do anything lately?

3.Gdy spotkaliśmy ją, czy nie powiedziała nam, że już tam nie pracuje?
When we met her didn't she tell us she doesn't work there anymore?

4.Dlaczego nie odwiedzieliście Toma, gdy przebywaliście w Londynie i nie mieliście nic do roboty?
Why didn't you visit Tom when have you been in London......

5.Kto spotkał Toma w zeszłą niedzielę i kto go widział od tego czasu?
Who met tom last Sunday and who have seen him since that time?

6.Kiedy przeczytaliście sprawozdanie, które przygotowano zanim ona wyszła z biura?
When did you read the report which was prepared before she went out from the office?

7.Końcy się nam czas, więc czy ktoś może mi powiedzieć, czy już wszystko przeczytaliście?
We are run out of time, so does anybody can tell me have you read everything?

8.Czy zdołaliście już obliczyć ostateczną cenę?
Did you manage to count the final price?

9.Za co nie będziecie mogli zapłacić, chociaż zarobiliście ostatnio dużo?
What won't you be able to pay despite you have earned much lately?

10.Za co nie zapłaciliśmy wczoraj i kto poskarżył się na to dziś dwa razy?
What didn't we pay for yesterday and who has complained for it twice today?

11.Za co nikt nie mógł zapłacić ostatnio?
What couldn't anybody pay for lately?

12.Kto nie wiedział o tym w zeszłym tygodniu?
Who didn't know about it last week?

Z góry bardzo dziękuję za pomoć i sprawdzenie.Pozdrawiam

1. How many 'timer' (co to slowo tutaj robi?) did they come here during last week?
2. ok
4.Why didn't you visit Tom when YOU WERE 'have you been' (zle) in London......
5.Who met Tom last Sunday and who 'have' (pomyslo tym slowie) seen him since that time?
6.When did you read the report which was prepared before she went out 'from' OF the office?
7. We are runNING out of time, so 'does' (zle slowo tutaj) anybody 'can' (w zlym miejscu) tell me (cos tu brak) have you read everything?
8.Did you manage to 'count' (zle slowo) the final price?
9. What won't you be able to pay despite you have earned much lately?' (to zdanie jest niepopr - pomysl nad tym)
10. What didn't we pay for yesterday and who has complained 'for' (zle slowo) it twice today?
1. literówka - miałam na myśli times

4.Why didn't you visit Tom when you were in London and you had nothing to do?

5. Who met Tom last Sunday and who "has" seen him since that time?

7. We are running out of time, so can anybody tell me if you have read everything?

8. Did you manage to "calculate" the final price?

9. What won't you be able to pay, although you have earned a lot recently?

10. What didn't we pay for yesterday and who has complained "about" it twice today?


Pomoc językowa - Sprawdzenie