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John Ronald Reuel Tolkien was very famous writer. He was born on 1892 in South Africa. In 1896 his family moved to England to Birmingham. Knows as one of the best fantasy books writer. He was studied English Language and Literature on Oxford University. He worked on Oxford English Dictionary and after he became a professor on Oxford University. First book who was called “The Hobbit” was published in 1937, the second book about Lord of the ring people could read between 1954 – 1955. Son of John – Christopher published the other books of his father after his died. John Ronald Reuel died on 1973, at age 74. In my opinion Tolkien was amazing writer and everyone has to read his magical books.
John Ronald Reuel Tolkien was (cos brak) very famous writer. He was born 'on' IN 1892 in South Africa. In 1896 his family moved to 'England to Birmingham' (najpierw miasto, pozniej kraj) . (kto? co?) (cos brak) 'Knows' (zle slowo) as one of the best fantasy books writer. He 'was' (niepotr) studied English Language and Literature 'on' AT Oxford University. He worked on THE Oxford English Dictionary and after THAT he became a professor 'on' (co to z tym 'on' jest tutaj?) Oxford University. (cos brak) first book 'who' ('books' niestety sa niezyjace, tutaj IT, ale i tak niepotr) was called “The Hobbit” AND was published in 1937, the second book about Lord of the RingS, people could read between 1954 – 1955. (cos tu brak) son of John – Christopher published the other books of his father after his died. John Ronald Reuel died 'on' IN 1973, at age 74. In my opinion Tolkien was (cos tu brak) amazing writer and everyone has to read his magical books.
His first book, "The Hobbit", was published in ...
edytowany przez fui_eu: 16 lis 2012


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