Opowiadanie o zorganizowanej grupowej wycieczce zagranicznej

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1. Napisz opowiadanie o zorganizowanej grupowej wycieczce zagranicznej, obfitującej w przedziwne zbiegi okoliczności i zabawne wydarzenia.

Im going to tell you an amusing story about my school trip to Germany. Me with my friends from my class didn't expect funny accidents that we had met on our journey.

It started in Monday when packed and ready to go, we saw a dear in front of the bus in the middle of the winter. We couldn't believe in eyes but it was the real dear. He or she was very beautiful so as soon as I could I reached my aparat and I took a picture.
The weather was sunny but suddenly when we crossed the border the weather changed. We were in Germany. It started rain so heavy that our bus driver couldn't drive the bus. And what was weird we had to run out of patrol. We thought accidents reached their height but it was not the end of our troubles. When we had a half an hour of free time we went to a mall. We wanted to go to a toilet and go to a restaurant. After we ordered our food in the restaurant we met our spanish teacher who wasn't on travel with us. That was very funny because we had thought he's in the school now and he's teaching our classmates who didn't take part in the trip. That was the main reason why we decided to go to this trip. We wanted to avoid a big test from the subject he's teaching. We knew that he knew why we decided to go to this school trip. He was awared of it so he had changed date of the test before we started the trip. We all started laughing and we promised to the teacher we'll be prepared for this test.

It was really strange and funny trip that we ever had, though the trip was really nice. No one expected the trip like this. But we met some nice girls and also we passed the test.
Przyznaj sie. Translator Ci pomagal. /??/
Niestety nie. A co az tak zle?
edytowany przez arturk: 28 lis 2012
Bo z mojego doswiadczenia, kiepskie translatory nie wiedza jak sie tlumaczy APARAT;)
Tu przyznaje sie strzelałem, bo sobie zapomniałem. Lecz nie używałem żadnych translatorów itp.
Zaczne od podstawowych bledow. Podkreslone slowa sa bledne a w lukach powinienes cos wstawic.
It started in Monday when packed and ready to go, we saw a dear in front of the bus in the middle of the winter. We couldn't believe in eyes but it was the real dear. He or she was very beautiful so as soon as I could I reached ____ my aparat and I took a picture. ...
.... It started ___ rain so heavy that our bus driver couldn't drive the bus. And what was weird we had to run out of patrol.
edytowany przez fui_eu: 28 lis 2012
>>>, we saw a dear in front of the bus in the middle of the winter. We couldn't believe in eyes but it was the real dear.
...was she a very old 'dear'.
OMG czy naprawde musimy tez poprawiac takie slowa - to ma byc DEER - bo to nie byla mila staruszka, tylko zwierze....;-)
Caly ten tekst wymaga poprawie. Moze jedno, dwa zdania sa ok - a reszta wymaga poprawek. Ja sie tym nie bede bawila, bo translatorow nie poprawiam.
Ehh, terri.. Nie ma to jak dać tekst do sprawdzenia, napisać że jest zły i sam go sobie poprawić. Nie jest to żadne zad. dom. tylko sprawdzenie swoich umiejętności.
Nie używałem żadnych translatorów, tak jak napisałem wcześniej, więc nie wiem po co się w ogóle udzielasz i jedziesz prawie że po psychice "OMG".
>>>>udzielasz i jedziesz prawie że po psychice "OMG".
...bo oczekuje wiecej od Ciebie. Oczekuje, ze slowa ktore nie znasz to sprawdzisz w slowniku.
'Im' (popraw) going to tell you an amusing story about my school trip to Germany. Me with my friends from my class didn't expect (cos tu brak) funny 'accidents' (zle slowo) that we 'had' (niepotr) met on our journey.
It started 'in' (zle slowo) Monday when packed and ready to go, we saw a 'dear' (zle slowo) in front of the bus in the middle of the winter. We couldn't believe 'in' (zle slowo) eyes (przecinek) but it was 'the' (zle slowo) real 'dear' (zle slowo). He or she was very beautiful so as soon as I could I reached my 'aparat' (no widze, zngielskie slowo) and I took a picture.
The weather was sunny (przecinek) but suddenly when we crossed the border the weather changed.
It started 'rain' (zle slowo) so 'heavy' (zla czesc mowy) that our bus driver couldn't drive the bus. 'And' (nie zaczynamy zdan z 'abd') what was weird (cos tu brak) we had to run out of patrol. We thought 'accidents' (zle slowo) reached their height (przecinek) but it was not the end of our troubles. When we had 'a' (niepotr) half an hour of free time we went to a mall. We wanted to go to 'a' (popraw) toilet and go to a restaurant. After we ordered our food in the restaurant we met our Spanish teacher who wasn't 'on travel with us' (cos tu nie tak) . That was very funny because we had thought (cos tu brak) he's in the school now and he's teaching our classmates who didn't take part in the trip. That was the main reason why we decided to go 'to' (zole slowo) this trip.
We knew that he knew why we decided to go 'to' (zle slowo) this school trip. He was 'awared' (zle slowo) of it so he had changed (cos brak) date of the test before we started the trip. We all started laughing and we promised 'to' (niepotr) the teacher (cos brak) we'll be prepared for this test.
It was (cos brak) really strange and funny trip that we ever had, though the trip was really nice. No one expected 'the' (zle slowo) trip like this.
'And' (nie zaczynamy zdan z 'abd')...
I'd challenge that.
Cytat: fui_eu
'And' (nie zaczynamy zdan z 'and')...
I'd challenge that.

moge powiedziec tak - ja nigdy nie zaczynam z 'and'. To wg mnie jest 'conjunction, ktos laczy 2 elementy w zdaniu. Gdy 'and' jest na poczatku zdania, to niema sie z czym laczyc.
Inni moga robic to co chca-tylko czy to jest prawidlowo.
Ilu ludzi zaczyna w jez. polskim zdania z 'I'..... np. Ide do kina. I kupie sobie cos po drodze.
Sa konteksty gdzie AND na poczatku zdania absolutnie pasuje. Do tej pory nie spotkalem sie z zasada ze nie powinno sie.
edytowany przez fui_eu: 29 lis 2012
Cytat: fui_eu
Sa konteksty gdzie AND na poczatku zdania absolutnie pasuje. Do tej pory nie spotkalem sie z zasada ze nie powinno sie.

tak, sa konteksty np
I told you before not to do this,
And another thing - don't ever come round
And oh, just go.....
Ale w normalnych zdaniach gdzie dodajemy kolejne mysli - to generalnie nie.
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