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My best friend is Patrycja. I met her four years ago at the party. I have a great contact with her until now.
She's twenty years old. She has a long and curly auburn hair. I often see her in ponytail. She likes wearing a casual clothes especially jeans with checked shirt. She's tall and slim because she goes to the gym very often. Her oval face and sparkling, blue eyes attract attention. Besides that, she has a rosy cheeks and pink lips as well.
She's the most outgoing person I have ever met. Therefore she spends a lot of time with her friends and with me of course. Patrycja is also talkative and funny so nobody can't feel bored with her. I can rely on her because she's helpful and trustworthy.
She has got many hobbies and interests. Dancing is one part of her life. She dances very well. One day she must to learn me how to do it. Besides, she loves taking photos. I think that her works are really good and she should open a gallery.
I'm glad that Patrycfja is my best friend. I admire her because she's smart, funny and friendly. I can talk with her whenever I want about everything.

Z góry dziękuję za wszelkie poprawki i sugestie:).
I met her four years ago at 'the' (zle slowo) party. I have (tu cos brak) a great contact with her 'until now' (a to niby dlaczego, co sie teraz stalo?)
She has a long 'and' (niepotr) curly auburn hair. I often see her in (cos brak) ponytail. She likes wearing 'a' (niepotr) casual clothes especially jeans with (cois brak) checked shirt. Besides that, she has 'a' (niepotr) rosy cheeks and pink lips as well.
'Therefore' (zle slowo) she spends a lot of time with her friends and with me of course. Patrycja is also talkative and funny so nobody 'can't' (to jest zle slowo) feel bored with her. One day she must 'to' (niepotr) 'learn' (zalkowicie zle slowo - a teacher teachers, a student learns) me how to do it. Besides THAT , she loves taking photos. I think that her 'works' (poszukaj inne slowo) are really good and she should open a gallery.
I'm glad that 'Patrycfja' (ortog) is my best friend. I can talk with her (daj tutaj ...about everything) whenever I want. 'about everything' (niepotr).

Masz problemy z przedimkami (a, an, the). MUSISZ sie ich nauczyc.
I met her four years ago at 'the' (zle slowo) party. I have (tu cos brak) a great contact with her.
Czy mogłabyś mi podać, czego tu brakuje?

Czy teraz te zdania są poprawne?:
I often see her in the ponytail. She likes wearing casual clothes especially jeans with the checked shirt.

Therefore So she spends a lot of time with her friends and with me of course.

Patrycja is also talkative and funny so nobody can't can feel bored with her.

One day she must to learn teach me how to do it.

I think that her works pictures are really good and she should open a gallery.

Bardzo Ci dziękuję, Terri.
I met her four years ago at 'the' (zle slowo) (tu ma byc 'a') party. I have (tu cos brak) (tu 'had') a great contact with her.
I often see her in the (nie, tutaj ma byc 'a') ponytail. She likes wearing casual clothes especially jeans with the (tutaj ma byc 'a') checked shirt.

Naucz sie tych przedimkow, (a, an, the) bo zaczynasz zgadywac - .
Ech... Przedimki to mój odwieczny problem. Muszę się bardziej do nich przyłożyć.
Jeszcze raz dziękuję za pomoc.


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