Opis wydarzenia kulturalnego

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Jurassic Summer Movie is held in July every year in Zloty Potok since 1998 r. The mayor was the one who came up with idea of organizing this festival. Every year thousands of people come here.
The festival attracts the people from all over the country, especially from province. Famous actors are invited to this event as special guests. A few days before the festival billboard is set on a field. Residents of Zloty Potok prepare local dishes.
The festival lasts for three days: Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Jurassic Summer Film starts at 6:30 p.m. . Youth, children and adults, such as a picnic, pack blankets, food and getting ready for a lot of fun. Every day starts a music concert, followed by a meeting with a famous actor. At nine o’clock in the evening there are film screenings and it lasts until first o’clock at night. People sit on blankets in front of billboard and watch the movie. Around the field are situated the stalls with food so everyone can eat something. Also you can try the local dish baked trout. Every day you can see three movie from the different country.
Jurassic Summer Film is an annual event where everyone can find something for yourself. This event is for young people and for older. Feast moviegoers combined with good music and the beauty of the Jurassic landscape leaves an unforgettable impression. I think the festival is a good way to promote the region.
Jurassic Summer Movie 'is' (inaczej...has been) held in July every year in Zloty Potok since 1998 'r' (hello - co to jest?) . The mayor was the one who came up with (cos brak) idea of organizing this festival.
The festival attracts 'the' (niepotr) people from all over the country, especially from (cos brak) 'province' (1 czy wiecej?) .
A few days before the festival (cos brak) billboard is set on a field.
'Youth, children and adults, such as a picnic, pack blankets, food and getting ready for a lot of fun' (przeczytaj to zdanie jeszcze raz i napisz poprawnie).
Every day starts (tu cos brak) a music concert, followed by a meeting with a famous actor. At 'nine o’clock in the evening' (a wyzej napisales czas inaczej, dlaczego?) there are film screenings and it lasts until 'first' (niema czegos takiego) o’clock at night. People sit on blankets in front of (cos brak) billboard and watch the movie. Around the field are situated 'the' (niepotr) stalls with food so everyone can eat something. Also you can try the local dish - (cos braki) baked trout. Every day you can see three 'movie' (tutaj l. mnoga) from the different 'country' (l. mnoga).
Jurassic Summer Film is an annual event where everyone can find something for 'yourself' (zle slowo). This event is for young people and for older (ale kogo? musisz napisac).
(cos brak) feast (cos brak) moviegoers combined with good music and the beauty of the Jurassic landscape leaves an unforgettable impression.

Masz problemy z przedimkami (a, an, the). Musisz sie tego nauczyc.
Dziękuję bardzo za sprawdzenie. Poprawiłem, ale co do niektórych nie wiem, czy dobrze:
.......especially from the province of Silesia
..... Youth, children and adults pack blankets and go to the meadows. Everyone gets ready for a lot of fun.
Every day starts (tu cos brak) a music concert - tutaj nie wiem, jak poprawić, chodzi mi o to że każdy dzień rozpoczyna się koncertem, może użyć słówka 'begins'
Co do godzin to pełne godziny podałem 'o'clock' a jak była nie pełna to p.m.
.... local dish a baked trout
i tutaj nie wiem: everyone can find something for 'everyone'????
... this event is for young people nad adults. (może tak być?)
.... A feast of moviegoers (???)
Every day starts (tu cos brak) (slowo jest WITH a music concert -
Co do godzin to pełne godziny podałem 'o'clock' a jak była nie pełna to p.m. (nie, bo przeciez niepelne 5.30p.m., 11.30p.m. tez mozna napisac)
everyone can find something for 'everyone'???? THEMSELVES (dla siebie)

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