Proszę o sprawdzenie błędów w pracy. Pilne

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Guy Fawkes was born on 13 April 1570 he was member of plot called Gunpowder Plot on life of the king England and Scotland. Group of Catholic conspirators will wanted (on 5 of November) blow up British parliament. Conspirators put 2.5tonnes gunpowder under House of Lords. Explosion was to take place on 5 of November and kill king and all of parliament members. But unfortunately ,Guy Fawkes was caught in basement in night of 5th November. He was tortured and in the end he gave the names of partners but only those who was dead or was known. Judgment made on 31st of November 1606. In the anniversary of this event in England there are a lot of festivals where children are burning puppets of Guy Fawkes. The bigger event is in Bridgwater on first Friday of November and this is all-night carnival next this is everyday in other places. Carnival in Bridgwater is the oldest and the bigger event in England.

Proszę o poprawienie błędów, z góry dziękuję.
Guy Fawkes was born on 13 April 1570. He was (brak przedimka) member of (przedimek) plot called (przedimek) Gunpowder Plot. 'on life of the king England and Scotland' (co to jest - nie rozumiem).
(brak przdimka) group of Catholic conspirators 'will' (po co to jest w ogole w zdaniu?) wanted (on (przedimek) 5 of November) (cos brak) blow up (przedimek) British parliament. (przedimek) conspirators put 2.5tonnes (cos brak) gunpowder under (przedimek) House of Lords. (przedimek) explosion was to take place on (przedimek) 5 of November and kill (przedimek) King and all 'of parliament members.' (po jakiemu to jest - napisz to poprawnie) But unfortunately ,Guy Fawkes was caught in (przedimek) basement 'in' (zle slowo) (przedimek) night of 5th November. He was tortured and in the end he gave the names of partners but only those who 'was' (to przeciez ma sie zgodzic z 'those' - jak ty to myslisz?) dead or 'was' (popraw) known. (przedimek) judgment (cos brak) made on 31st of November 1606. 'In' (zle slowo) the anniversary of this event in England there are a lot of festivals where children are burning puppets of Guy Fawkes. 'The' (zle slowo) bigger event is in Bridgwater on (przedimek) first Friday of November and this is (przedimek) all-night carnival 'next this is everyday in other places.' (co to ma byc - tego nie rozumiem).
(przedimek) Carnival in Bridgwater is the oldest and the bigger event in England.

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