Present Perfect / Past Simple

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Proszę o sprawdzenie zdań. Wyrazy z nawiasu wstawione po odmianie.

Complate the sentences with the present perfect or past simple from of the verbs in brackets.

1. Is there something you have always wanted (always want) to do but somehow have never managed (never manage) to?
2. Not long ago our company had (have) a client who wanted (want) to be a rock star.
3. I worked (work) as a production manager in the film business for many years, till just a few years ago.
4. How much did the concert costed (the concert / cost) last year, and have the cost gone (go) up since then?
5. What other dreams have you made (make) come true recently?
6. We have just finished (just finish) working with a client who wants to fly across the Atlntic Ocean on a supersonic aeroplane.
7. On client wants to fly in space but that wasn’t possible back when she first have requested (request) it.
8. Since then it have become (become) possible for ordinary people to go into space.
4 w pytaniu w Simple Past bezokolicznik, nie? a rzeczownik 'cost' to liczba pojedyncza.
7 jest mowa o konkretnym okresie w przeszlosci - 'kiedy to nie bylo mozliwe'
8 it - liczba pojedyncza. masz z tym problem
7. On client wants to fly in space but that wasn’t possible back when she first requested (request) it.
8. Since then it has become (become) possible for ordinary people to go into space.
Tutaj to już się zgubiłem, wyszedl taki "twór":
4. How much has the concert costed (the concert / cost) last year, and have the cost gone (go) up since then?

Reszta zdań jest poprawnie, czy też zawiera błędy?
4 did...cost


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