
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
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It was hot evening in the summer, the sun was still shining. Me and my friends were cheerful and full of joy, could not wait to go to the forest to start the bonfire.
After we came and kindled the fire, we started to drink alcohol, having a lot of fun together. Suddenly I started insult all the people and swore. “You can only have sex in the bushes” I said to my best friend. Well, I said it in more offensive way, but I am too ashamed to quote. “I am not here for you, but only for sex, you know?” She said ironically, trying to rejoin. Then a fire got out of control and we started to escape. While we were running we sighted a fire brigade someone must have called.
The fire brigade put out the fire and situation seemed to calm down, but in the end a police gave me a 200 PLN fine, and all of my friends took offence at me. That was the most disastrous evening I have ever had.
It was (brak przedimka) hot 'evening in the summer' (lepiej 'summer's evening), the sun was still shining. Me and my friends were cheerful and full of joy AND could not wait to go to the forest to start the bonfire.
Suddenly I started insultING all the people and swore. “You can only have sex in the bushes” I said to my best friend. 'Well,' (tutaj lepiej dac 'But') I said it in (brak przedimka) more offensive way, 'but' (daj tutaj 'which') I am too ashamed to quote. “(nie wiem, czy lepiej dac to 'you know' tutaj) I am not here for you, but only for sex, you know?”(to chyba nie jest pytaniem)
Then 'a' (tutaj THE - bo mowisz o konkretnym czyms) fire got out of control and we started to escape. While we were running we sighted 'a' (lepiej THE) fire brigade someone must have called.
The fire brigade put out the fire and (brak przedimka0 situation seemed to calm down, but in the end 'a' THE police gave me a 200 PLN fine, and all of my friends took offence at me.

Przerob jeszcze raz te przedimki (a, an, the) bo sie mylisz.
Dzięki, zawsze mi się mylą te przedimki. A więc spróbujmy.
It was a hot evening.
I said it in the more offensive way.
you know kasujemy :), chciałem użyć czegoś co by znaczyło "czy ty wiesz", coś co miałoby wzmocnić wypowiedź.
the situation
a może być Me and my friends were cheerful, full of joy and could not wait... ?
Cytat: abaj
a może być Me and my friends were cheerful, full of joy and could not wait... ?

nie, zle
I = subjective pronoun
me = objective pronoun

Nie pisze sie "Me was cheerful"
Pisze sie: "My friends and I were cheerful....

jak nie jestes pewny, skresl "my friends and" i przeczytaj sobie zdanie

lots of good exercises here:
abaj, to prawda, ze, jak siuniab podaje, piszemy My friends and I, ale wiedz, ze w jezyku potocznym Me and my friends jest czesto uzywane - pamietaj, ze tak nie piszesz na sprawdzianach czy kartkowkach; ale w normalnych sytuacjach towarzyskich wsrod przyjaciol mozesz smialo tak mowic
*more cringing*
Tell me engee, would you turn a deaf ear to your children's improper use of Polish, and just shrug it off as "potoczny jezyk", or would you want them to speak and write properly?
Since I myself use that kind of language in my everyday life, I wouldn't mind if my offspring did the same among their friends.
Cytat: engee30
Since I myself use that kind of language in my everyday life, I wouldn't mind if my offspring did the same among their friends.

Ponioslo cie troche chyba albo wziales zaduzo lekarstw. W tym 'wojewodzwie' gdzie mieszkasz raczej nie mowia po angielsku na co dzien. Z reszta to widac po 'stylu' twoich postow w jezykiu angielskim.
Native speakers can cross registers and "dumb-down" their speech patterns without drawing attention to themselves.
Non-native speakers with discernible accents run the risk of being judged uneducated or just plain stupid.
Not fair, but that's the way it is.
absolutely..and that's the only way it is, I guess.
Cytat: savagerhino
Ponioslo cie troche chyba albo wziales zaduzo lekarstw. W tym 'wojewodzwie' gdzie mieszkasz raczej nie mowia po angielsku na co dzien. Z reszta to widac po 'stylu' twoich postow w jezykiu angielskim.

Savek, co ci znow nie pasi :?
nie lubie kurwa jak ktos klamie
a, ja tez tego nie cierpie :/
bo ty wlaznie klamiesz
Cytat: savagerhino
bo ty wlaznie klamiesz

kochani, przestancie - jest tak zimno jak na Syberii, (brass monkeys weather) a wy czepiacie sie nie wiadomo czego.
Nie mam tego po reka, ale znajde literature na 'me and John' and 'John and I' i wkleje.
nie musisz nieczego 'wklejac' terri, moglbym sam' wkleic' jednym kliknieciem ale ten srver by padl od razu. W zasadzie mnie chodzilo o co innego troche
Cytat: terri
Nie mam tego po reka, ale znajde literature na 'me and John' and 'John and I' i wkleje.

fajnie by bylo
i co by bylo fajnie?
poczytalbym sobie o tym topicu
sluchaj ty 'topciu', radzisz askerowi ktory dopiero moze zaczal sie uczyc jezyka angielskiego uzycie nieformalne. Siunia juz pisala jak to moze wygladac. Jak ktozs juz dojdzie do jakigos poziomu zanjomosci to wtedy sam zadecyduje co bedzie uzywal. Jak ciebi bedzie sluchal. to bedzie od razu to uzywal bo tak jest zawsze latwiej. Nie rozumiesz tego?
Ciebie sie nie powinno dopuszczc zebycs kogos uczyk jezyka angielskiego. I nie sugeruj ze mieszkasz w UK.
edytowany przez savagerhino: 15 gru 2012
przeciez wyraznie napisalem, gdzie nie powinien stosowac takich formul, a gdzie takowe sa dozwolone
yeah yeah ...and I know you have at least two speeds - slow and stop.
Just remembered:
Me and Mrs. Jones...
Me and you and a dog named (I forget)
Beefy, but coming from Terri that’s pretty much it, I guess, and we know that.:)
I doubt though that this would be enough for engee to wrap his brains around it and figure out why this objective ‘offending’ pronoun in such coordinate construction should still land in the subjective at the end.
Hint: you won’t understand it if you’re a swell-head ego-tripper seeking praise and recognition but in fact hardly ever get them both.
Cytat: terri
Just remembered:
Me and Mrs. Jones...
Me and you and a dog named (I forget)

Honestly, terri ;)
Takie cos mi Wujek Google zapoda po jednym kliknieciu; ja sie zapatrywalem na cos jak artykul czy argumentacje za i przeciw takiemu uzyciu, a tu taki letdown :(
Cytat: engee30
Cytat: terri
Just remembered:
Me and Mrs. Jones...
Me and you and a dog named (I forget)

Honestly, terri ;)
Takie cos mi Wujek Google zapoda po jednym kliknieciu; ja sie zapatrywalem na cos jak artykul czy argumentacje za i przeciw takiemu uzyciu, a tu taki letdown :(

well that's me all over, I promise you the earth and then deliver bugger all. ;-)
Honestly, I will search for more scientific explanations to the 'is it me, or is it I' conundrum ..I promise...;-)
oh, I can't wait :)
<rubbing my hands>
>>ja sie zapatrywalem na cos jak artykul czy argumentacje

sa takie ale watpie czy zrozumiesz dlatego nie widze sensu to wklejac
wklej, nic ci sie przeciez nie stanie, a mi przynajmniej mozg moze poszerzy ;)
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
1-30 z 35
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