Proszę o sprawdzenie gramatyczne , krótka wypowiedź

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Which is the most difficult to be : a child, a teenager, a middle-aged or an elderly person ? Every age is bringing pluses and minuses. In my opinion it is the most difficult to be elderly person.
The first argument is feeling lonely. When we are old, nobody has time for us. Children are working and rarely visit their parents, because have other duties. Grandsons have a thousand of other classes than the visit for the ailing grandmother. It is harder for an elderly person to strike new acquaintances up. They are sitting and are waiting at home until somebody visits them...
Problems with the health are a next argument. An elderly person are susceptible to illnesses.
It results mainly from the antiquity. The outing to the shop, or works in the garden it is a big effort. It is hard to move because they have diseased bones.
I think that older persons have also a problem with being found in today's difficult world. Progress of the technology often weighs down on them. Today we can`t live without the computer and smartphones. For them it is something definitly new and strange. Most of them have no money or TV because have low pension.
Being older is many struggle but there are also positive aspects. An elderly person have a lot of free time ! They can travel and elaborate passions. They can sleep to 2 p.m ,don`t think about the learning and the work.
I think that being elderly people is difficult. Everyone wants to be like longest young and dexterous. Some persons have really heavy, they don`t have help family and friends. They must spend the senility in solitude and die in pain and suffering. It is very unpleasant.

Cytat: nooirr2
Which is the most difficult to be : a child, a teenager, a middle-aged or an elderly person ? Every age is bringing MA SWOJE pluses and minuses. In my opinion it is the most difficult to be PRZEDIMEK elderly person.
The first argument is feeling lonely. When we are old, nobody has time for us. Children are working SIMPLE PRESENT and rarely visit their parents, because PODMIOT have other duties. Grandsons have a thousand of other classes<-TO SA ZAJECIA NA UCZELNI than the visit for UZYJ CZASOWNIKA: ODWIEDZIEC the ailing grandmother. It is harder for an elderly person to MAKE NEW FRIENDS. They are sitting and are waiting WSZYSTKO W SIMPLE PRESENT at home until somebody visits them...
HEALTH Problems are ANOTHER argument. An elderly person are OSOBA SĄ? susceptible to illnesses.
It results mainly from the antiquity=STAROŻYTNOŚĆ. The outing to NAPISZ: CHODZENIE the shop, or workING in the garden it,_USUŃ is a big effort. It is hard to move because they have ACHING bones.
I think that older persons have also a problem with FINDING THEIR PLACE in today's difficult world. Progress of the-USUŃ technology often weighs down on them. Today we can`t live without the computer and smartphones. For them it is something definitly-ORTOGR new and strange. Most of them have no money or TV NIE MAJA PIENIEDZY ANI TELEWIZJI? because ORZECZENIE have low pension.
Being older is many struggle JEST WIELE WALK but there are also positive aspects. An elderly person have ZLA FORMA CZASOWNIKA a lot of free time ! They can travel and PURSUE THEIR HOBBIES. They can sleep to 2 p.m ,don`t think about the learning and the work.USUN PRZEDIMKI
I think that being elderly people BYCIE STARSZYMI LUDZMI? is difficult. Everyone wants to be like longest <- USUN TE DWA SLOWA young and FIT TU NAPISZ: PRZEZ TAK DLUGO JAK MOZLIWE. Some persons have really heavy CO MAJA CIEZKIEGO?, they don`t have help family NIE MAJA POMÓC RODZINIE and friends. They must spend theIR OLD AGE in solitude and die in pain and suffering. It is very unpleasant.
Which is the most difficult to be : a child, a teenager, a middle-aged or an elderly person ? Every age has pluses and minuses. In my opinion it is the most difficult to be an elderly person.
The first argument is feeling lonely. When we are old, nobody has time for us. Children work and rarely visit their parents, because they have other duties. Grandsons have a thousand of other classes than the visit for the ailing grandmother. (chodziło mi właśnie o zajęcia w szkole, obowiązki szkolne. A co do czasownika odwiedzać to chyba visit jest odpowiedni?) It is harder for an elderly person to make new friends. They sit and wait at home until somebody visits them...
Health problems are another argument. An elderly people are susceptible to illnesses.
It results mainly from the age. The going to the shop, or working in the garden is a big effort. It is hard to move because they have aching bones.
I think that older persons have also a problem with finding their place in today`s difficult world. Technology often weighs down on them. Today we can`t live without the computer and smartphones. For them it is something definitely new and strange. Most of them have no money because have low pension.
Being an elderly person is a fight for survival but there are also positive aspects. An elderly person has a lot of free time ! They can travel and pursure their hobbies. They can sleep to 2 p.m ,don`t think about learning and work.
I think that being elderly person is difficult. Everyone wants to be young and fit as long as possible. Some persons have really heavy life. They don`t have help from family and friends. They must spend their old age in solitude and die in pain and suffering. It is very unpleasant.
Grandsons have a thousand of other classes than the visit for the ailing grandmother. (chodziło mi właśnie o zajęcia w szkole, obowiązki szkolne. A co do czasownika odwiedzać to chyba visit jest odpowiedni?

1. wizyta u dzuadka to są zajęcia szkolne?
2. the visit to jest rzeczownik