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ABC is the fastest growing insurance company in Poland, because
in 2012 they sold over 250 thousand polisy. ABC stands out in the
market, because they introduces a lot of new solutions. They offer
customers a Personal Adviser and they propose discount bonus-malus
60% for safe drivers. Moreover the insurance product can be buy on
the internet, by phone or by in insurance agent. ABC offers
insurance such us: personal insurance, motor insurance, property
insurance or health insurance.
ABC recived three awards. First, they got the title Market Leader of Innovation 2012. Second, they recived the Lauel Consummer Discovery 2012. Third their webside has been recognized as a very useful page.
ABC is the fastest growing insurance company in Poland, 'because' (daj inne slowo,) in 2012 they sold over '250 thousand' (250,000) 'polisy.' (ortog ale tutaj ma byc l. mnoga) ABC stands out in the market, 'because' (znowu to 'because'-ujmij to inaczej) they 'introduces' (they introduces?) 'a lot of' (zly register) new solutions. They offer customers a Personal Adviser and they propose discount bonus-'malus' (nieznane mi slowo)- 60% for 'safe' (co to znaczy tutaj?) drivers. Moreover the insurance product can be 'buy' (zle slowo) on the internet, by phone or by 'in' (zle slowo) insurance agent. ABC offers insurance 'such us' (nie za bardzo mi to pasuje..lepiej in the folowing areas?): personal insurance, motor insurance, property insurance or health insurance.
ABC 'recived' (ortog) three awards. First, they 'got' (zly register) the title (cos brak) Market Leader of Innovation (cos brak) 2012. Second, they 'recived' (ortog - naucz sie pisac tego slowa) the Lauel Consummer Discovery (cos brak) 2012. Third their 'webside' (zle slowo) has been recognized as a very 'useful' (co to znaczy tutaj? dla kogo?) page.