Proszę o sprawdzenie "Proposal"

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Bardzo proszę o sprawdzenie mojego wypracowania.
The purpose of this proposal is to show what should be done to make our visitors enjoy their time here.
At first we should prepare a party on which the sponsors of our school should give a short speech. After official welcome I suggest dividing them into small groups to give them a tour of the school. This tour should be as short as possible. What we should show them are the classrooms only.
Our typical day
After they rest, I suggest a speech featuring mainly our work with children given by any of the teachers. The teacher may also tell some facts about the city we work in During that speech I can hand out some Information Packs about history of Poland. Afterwards they should have a possibility to watch us working and after a lunch on which we should all be present visitors would then ask any questions.
In my opinion throwing a party before they leave when one of them could say something to the public would be a good idea. Finally at the very end we are supposed to give our visitors some kind of presents, I think that t-shirts would be enough.
To sum up, I think that we should not have any problems with making them feel like at home. My suggestions should make it even easier.
edytowany przez Jackol: 10 cze 2013


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