Mowa zależna - bardzo proszę o sprawdzenie

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
1. 'Where were you?' my father wanted to know.
My father wanted to know, where you were.

2. 'I am driving my car now.', I said to her.
I said to her that he was driving my own car then.

4. He told me: 'She has already been married to Jack'
He told me that she had been married to Jack.

5. 'Don't use this machine.' said the notice
The notice said didn't use that machine.

6. 'I will be washing my new car.' Kate said happily
Kate said happily that she would be washing her new car.

7. 'I wish I had more money' he said
He said that he had more money

8. 'I will spend my holiday in Italy' he thought
He thought that he would spend holiday in Italy.

9. 'Don't argue with me.' said the man
The man said I didn’t agree with you.

12. 'You have promised to call her' he reminded me.
He reminded me that I had promised to call her.

13. 'I wish they had gone home earlier.' John said
John said that he had gone home earlier.

14. 'Mary has been crying for the last few minutes' he noticed
He noticed that Mary had been crying for the previous few minutes.

16. John said: 'I don't like my neighbour Bob.
John said that he didn’t like my neighbour Bob.

18. 'I will go shopping if my mother doesn't come back at 2 o'clock.' the girl said
The girl said that she would go shopping if her mother didn’t come back at 2 o'clock.

19. They small boy shouted: 'He is drowning!'
They small boy shouted that he was drowning.

20. 'I will never be late again.' said the boy to his girlfriend
The boy said to his girlfriend that he would never late again.

21. 'My father has been smoking for many years now.' said John
John said that his father had been smoking for many years then.

25. Kate mentioned: 'They will not be painting my room next week'.
Kate mentioned that they would not be painting that room the following week.

26. 'Last night I slept and I didn't hear the phone.' he said.
He said that the day before he had slept and he hadn't heard the phone.

27. They asked: 'Who is responsible for that accident?'
They asked who was responsibling for that accident.

28. 'Will you do that for me?' she asks
She asked if you would do that for her.

29. 'Mary has been looking for her keys for many hours'. said Jack
Jack said that Mary had been looking for her keys for many hours.

30. 'How old are you?' they asked me
They asked me how old you are.

31. Henry told me 'Tom will be watching TV all night.'
Henry told me that Tom would be watching TV all night.

32. The teacher ordered: 'Be quiet children!'
The teacher ordered children be quiet.

Z góry dziękuje za pomoc :)
1. 'Where were you?' my father wanted to know. 'gdzie jesteś' chcial wiedzieć mój ojciec
My father wanted to know, where you were. Mój ojciec chciał wiedzieć, gdzie jesteś

2. 'I am driving my car now.', I said to her. 'Jadę samochodem' powiedziałem jej
I said to her that he was driving my own car then. 'Powiedziałem jej, że on jedzie samochodem'.

pewnie takich bledow jest wiecej. Popraw.
poza tym w 1 jest niepotrzebny przecinek, w 2 możesz pominąć 'then' albo napisać' at the moment'


Pomoc językowa