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A gang of three robbers broke into a bank in London. They were hopping to steala lot of money, but the men had unpleasant surprise. It was early in the morning on Friday, the thirteenth of July, 2013. They ran into the bank. They were armed. The robbers were dressed in black clothes and their faces were covered by balaclava. Then they screamed: "This is a robbery, everybody live down on the floor!". Next one of them shouted out to a cashier: "Give me the money!", but she didn't listen to him. Then the bank staff was laughing. The robbers were screaming louder and louder: "Give me all your money! We have a gun!", but they didn't gace the bank staff care. The robbers didn't understand. The bank staff couldn't stop laughing. Then the men saw the wall is imprinted with "World Wide Cryobank". They were so shocked, so stunned. They seemed to be so surprised that they couldn't say any words. So what's left? Flee! Then one of the robbers screamed: "Help! I'm stuck!". He stucked in the large pivoting doors. Finally, they ran off and were arrested by police outside the bank. Fortunatelly no one nothing happened and the robbers couldn't still anything. It was lots of laughter and quite a bit of embarrassment. The judge sentenced them to 5 years in prison. "You have no talent for the job", the judge told them. So, it seems that crime doesn't pay.
an unpleasant
covered with/by balaclavas
lie down
the bank's staff began to laugh
was imprinted with the writing ...

1.They were hopping to steal a lot of money, but the men had unpleasant surprise...trochę za 'polsko' i dziwnie to brzmi , ja bym proponowal coś w stylu: 'They hoped for stealing/grabbing lots of money ,but these men became unpleasantly surprised'.
2.Po prostu ' Everybody down!" - akcja toczy się wewnątrz budynku banku, więc wiadome z kontextu ,że na podłogę :)
3. Quite a bit? ..trochę dziwna kolokacja .." quite a lot ' -owszem ;)
edytowany przez Robbertoxx: 02 lip 2013
They were hopping to steal a lot of money, but the men had (brak przedimka) unpleasant surprise. It was early in the morning on Friday, the 'thirteenth' (dlaczego nie '13'?) of July, 2013.
The robbers were dressed in black clothes and their faces were covered by 'balaclava' (jak ich bylo 3, to mieli 3 baraclavy). Then they screamed: "This is a robbery, everybody 'live' (zle slowo) down on the floor!". Next, (precinek) one of them shouted out to a cashier: "Give me the money!", but she didn't listen to him. Then the bank staff 'was' (tutaj, wg mnie 'were') laughing. The robbers were screaming louder and louder: "Give me all your money! We have a gun!", but they didn't 'gace' (?) 'the bank staff care' (cos tu nie tak) .
Then the men saw THAT the wall 'is' WAS imprinted with "World Wide Cryobank".
They seemed to be so surprised that they couldn't say 'any words' (lepiej 'anything').
He 'stucked' (ciekawe, ale slowo chyba nie istnieje w jez. ang...GOT STUCK) in the large 'pivoting' (zlowo jest 'revolving') doors.
Fortunatelly (przecinek) 'no one nothing' (tego nie rozumiem) happened and the robbers couldn't 'still' (zle slowo, miales na mysli STEAL) anything. 'It' THERE was lots of laughter and quite a bit of embarrassment.
Hmm moze ze mieli przez jakis czas nadzieje,..ja spotykalem czesciej forme ' they hoped for..' etc. .At the end of the day Terri's far better than I am.
' They carried out the robbery, hoping for getting away with it.'
edytowany przez Robbertoxx: 02 lip 2013
Hopping nie ma nic wspolnego z nadzieja;) zaznaczylem ze zle slowo, a nie forma.
edytowany przez fui_eu: 02 lip 2013
Hopping nie, chyba że 'hoping". O jedno "p" za duzo i znaczenie calkowicie inne ;)
edytowany przez Robbertoxx: 02 lip 2013
If this wasn't a real bank, where did the cashier come from?
Cytat: fui_eu
If this wasn't a real bank, where did the cashier come from?

it was a cardboard cutout...not a real person
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A gang of three robbers broke into a bank in London. They hoped for stealing lots of money, but these men became unpleasantly surprised. It was early in the morning on Friday, the thirteenth of July, 2013. They ran into the bank. They were armed. The robbers were dressed in black clothes and wore balaclavas on their faces. Then they screamed: "This is a robbery! Everybody down!". Next, one of them shouted out to a woman: "Give me the money!", but she didn't listen to him. They didn't get the bank staff to take them seriously . Then the bank's staff began to laugh. The robbers were screaming louder and louder: "Give me all your money! We have a gun!", but they didn't gave the bank staff care. The robbers didn't understand. The bank staff couldn't stop laughing. Then the men saw the wall was imprinted with writing "World Wide Cryobank". They were so shocked, so stunned. They seemed to be so surprised that they couldn't say anything. So what's left? Flee! Then one of the robbers screamed: "Help! I'm stuck!". He got stuck in the large revolving doors. Finally, they ran outside the building, where they were arrested by police outside the bank. Fortunatelly, nothing bad happened to anyone and the robbers couldn't stieal anything. It was lots of laughter and quite a bit of embarrassment. The judge sentenced them to 5 years in prison. "You have no talent for the job", the judge told them. So, it seems that crime doesn't pay.
They hoped 'for stealing' TO STEAL lots of money, but these men became unpleasantly surprised. It was early in the morning on Friday, the 'thirteenth' (napisalam wyzej, ze piszemy '13' a nie w slowach) of July, 2013.
Next, one of them shouted out to a woman: "Give me the money!", but she'didn't listen to him' (moze lepiej...took no notice of him).
The robbers were screaming louder and louder: "Give 'me' (ale jak 'robbers' l. mnoga, to tutj tez musi byc l. mnoga ...give US...) all your money! We have a gun!", 'but they didn't gave the bank staff care' (napisalam juz ze tego nie rozumiem, to jest ZLE).
Then the men saw THAT 9juz Ci to raz poprawilam i dodalam to 'that' - dlaczego tego nie uwzgledniles w tym tekscie....myslisz, ze wiesz lepiej jak ja? Mylisz sie!) the wall was imprinted with (a gdzie przedimek) writing "World Wide Cryobank".
So 'what's' (tu ma byc...what was left?) left?
Finally, they ran outside the building, where they were arrested by police (waiting for them) outside the bank. 'Fortunatelly' (blad ortog), nothing bad happened to anyone and the robbers couldn't 'stieal' (ortog) anything. 'It' (i znowu moj kochany, ignorujesz moje poprawki- niby DLACZEGO?) THERE was lots of laughter and quite a bit of embarrassment.
Poprawione jeszcze raz.

A gang of three robbers broke into a bank in London. They hoped to steal lots of money, but these men became unpleasantly surprised. It was early in the morning on Friday, the 13 of July, 2013. They ran into the bank. They were armed. The robbers were dressed in black clothes and wore balaclavas on their faces. Then they screamed: "This is a robbery! Everybody down!". Next, one of them shouted out to a woman: "Give me the money!", but she took no notice of him. They didn't get the bank staff to take them seriously . Then the bank's staff began to laugh. The robbers were screaming louder and louder: "Give us all your money! We have a gun!". The robbers didn't understand. The bank staff couldn't stop laughing. Then the men saw that the wall was imprinted with a writing "World Wide Cryobank". They were so shocked, so stunned. They seemed to be so surprised that they couldn't say anything. So what was left? Flee! Then one of the robbers screamed: "Help! I'm stuck!". He got stuck in the large revolving doors. Finally, they ran outside the building, where they were arrested by police waiting for them outside the bank. Fortunately, nothing bad happened to anyone and the robbers couldn't steal anything. There was lots of laughter and quite a bit of embarrassment. The judge sentenced them to 5 years in prison. "You have no talent for the job", the judge told them. So, it seems that crime doesn't pay.
My dictionary says revolving door, not doors.
Cytat: fui_eu
My dictionary says revolving door, not doors.

tak, masz to tylko jedno sie revolwuje....
Wybiegli na zewnatrz gdzie policja czekala na zewnatrz..../???/
Cytat: fui_eu
Wybiegli na zewnatrz gdzie policja czekala na zewnatrz..../???/

w panice,...mialo byc...wybiegli na zewnatrz, gdzie policja juz na nich czekala...
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