They hoped 'for stealing' TO STEAL lots of money, but these men became unpleasantly surprised. It was early in the morning on Friday, the 'thirteenth' (napisalam wyzej, ze piszemy '13' a nie w slowach) of July, 2013.
Next, one of them shouted out to a woman: "Give me the money!", but she'didn't listen to him' (moze lepiej...took no notice of him).
The robbers were screaming louder and louder: "Give 'me' (ale jak 'robbers' l. mnoga, to tutj tez musi byc l. mnoga ...give US...) all your money! We have a gun!", 'but they didn't gave the bank staff care' (napisalam juz ze tego nie rozumiem, to jest ZLE).
Then the men saw THAT 9juz Ci to raz poprawilam i dodalam to 'that' - dlaczego tego nie uwzgledniles w tym tekscie....myslisz, ze wiesz lepiej jak ja? Mylisz sie!) the wall was imprinted with (a gdzie przedimek) writing "World Wide Cryobank".
So 'what's' (tu ma byc...what was left?) left?
Finally, they ran outside the building, where they were arrested by police (waiting for them) outside the bank. 'Fortunatelly' (blad ortog), nothing bad happened to anyone and the robbers couldn't 'stieal' (ortog) anything. 'It' (i znowu moj kochany, ignorujesz moje poprawki- niby DLACZEGO?) THERE was lots of laughter and quite a bit of embarrassment.